Preparations for the Ball

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"Queen Clarion" My advisor River calls out to me, I wait for him as he flutters closer to me. "I have just received the invitation back from The Lord of the Winter Woods. He has said that he will attend the ball." My head nods in response "How wonderful. It will be lovely to finally meet him." River agrees with me "I heard that he's hard to impress, so just make sure you're careful." I had heard other fairies say the same thing but I'm sure he's not as bad as they make him seem. Sometimes as a ruler, you need to be tough. "As I was saying, we have a few more preparations to go over for the ball. It is in three days time after all, your majesty"

I collapsed against the softness of my bed. It had been a very long day discussing all of the last minute preparations for the celebration that was soon to be held. I was glad to finally have some time to myself. A knock on my door draws me out of my thoughts, I quickly sit up as I smooth out my dress and flutter to answer the door. "Your Highness, a letter for you." River bows his head as he bids me a farewell. I shut the door as I sit down on my cosy chair. I open up the letter, smiling when I see it's from Milori.

Dear Clarion,
You'll be pleased to know that Tundra has been getting stronger each day. I think he will be back to flying in no time. As you asked me in your last letter, I will let you know that I have accepted your invitation to attend the ball in Pixie Hollow in three days. I do have a lot of things going on so I can't promise I will be there for the whole night but I do promise to swing by. I can't wait to see you soon!

With love,

I pull an empty sheet of paper from my desk and grab a pen to begin writing my next letter to Milori. I couldn't contain my excitement, three days seemed so far away.

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