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Marcelo brought her forward with  her thighs. Her back left the edge of the tub giving  room for her upper body deep inside the water and the observation  motioned  her heartbeat into a frenzy.

"Marcelo," she clung onto him for  dear life. "You don't have to do this. Please don't do this." She prayed he  wasn't about to deliberately drown her. Surely he wouldn't go as far as to.

"Is that right? for what's worth," he spoke besides her ear as his hand lifted and held her neck,  his other hand tightened on her hip. "How 'bout we make this a little  reminder ."

His hand around her neck pressed  down on a pressure point the act made her release her grip on him as her hands  rushed to his  and unprepared, she found herself pushed back.  The  warm and clear  water parted only to  engulfed her body whole. Her body that was  effectively held down. Bubbles of air left her mouth while she  grappled. Her intakes of water instead of  air that went down the wrong pipe.

Her frantic struggle  useless against his hold, the knowledge of what was physically happening gave way  to  the  tide  of panic that  hit hard she gasped then screamed taking  up  more  water and chocking almost all in one go.

Her gaze unfocused,  lungs continually filled  up with water, her throat constricted , her respiratory on fire. The  pain excruciating until  little  by little the energy in her hands lessened and she  stopped clawing. The fight within her  flitting while she  felt herself slip and wished for an end. For everything to end. It burned so bad and  the feeling of loneliness as she believed it was the end for her tagged at the core of her being.

Close to  unconsciousness her eyelids dropped. The violent and forceful coughs that consisted of water being expelled from her lungs made her open her eyes at a point.

Stinging, she  closed her eyes. There was a hand on her back  but her whizzing  chest was center of her  attention.

Weak  after pants and inhales of oxygen, Geneva was relived to feel relief brought by inhaling oxygen. It didn't matter to fight Marcelo when her was body  repositioned and chest came into contact with Marcelo's hard one.

His  hand on the back of her head keeping her close and the other ran up and down the length  of  her back.

"Try it again."

She heard him say in the midst of her slightly labored breathing. It was the worst feeling. Being drowned. She didn't have it in her to do anything but stay still and only focus on her breath.

But she was unable to only focus on that  because it had taken a toll on her emotionally and Geneva wanted someone to hold onto because of how  ruffled  the experience had left her.

She  held onto the seams of his wet shirt on  both ends. Wished  for numbness   in exchange of the emotional and physical exhaust only to fail miserably.

He bathed and dried  the both of them, tended to  her wound before he tucked the both of them nude inside the  sheets. Skin on skin. Their body heat shared. She wanted to so badly   fold and have him deep spoon  her. And because of that thought in itself her throat constricted. She  hated what he'd just done to her and at the same time wanted him to sooth the  pain away. She wasn't immune to human touch nor affection, grew up with both and equally invested in them.

Hands tucked  underneath her head below the pillow, Geneva didn't bother with  Marcelo's arm that held her to him by the waist  and the other underneath her neck folded by the elbow, increasing their  surface area of skin contact.

Sex wasn't her  route of escape, she'd never felt the want to escape her feelings  so bad that the only solution she could see that happening was through the intimate act.

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