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"When wit, and wine, and friends have met
And laughter crowns the festive hour
In vain I struggle to forget
Still does my heart confess thy power
And fondly return to thee!"

I read aloud from an old book of poems as Arthur ran his fingers through my hair. We sat on my couch together as the sun's fading light trickled in through the windows. Arthur leaned against the side of the sofa, laying his head back. I laid on his chest and in between his legs, his gentle breathing making my head move as if on a wave as he inhaled. Arthur let out a soft "mmm" as I read, his voice full of content and happiness.

"But Octavia, do not strive to rob
My heart of all that soothes its pain
The mournful hope that every throb
Will make it break for thee!"

Arthur sighed happily, his fingers still playing in my hair. "I liked that one," He finally said. "What's it called?"
"To Octavia by Edgar Allen Poe," I replied, putting a bookmark into the thick novel and setting in on the table beside us.
"Why don't you ever write me poetry?" He teased.
"You're the writer, Arthur," I smiled. "You should be writing me love letters and poems," I said.
He chuckled and then maneuvered himself so that I was further up on his chest and he wrapped his hands around my waist. His voice was on my neck and his breath was tickling my ear, sending a rush into me.
"Do you want me to write letters?" He moved one of his hands so it slid under my shirt, resting very lightly on my stomach, sending goosebumps across my skin. "If you want me to, I'll do it,"
I closed my eyes and took a shallow breath.
No matter how many times he's held me or touched me or looked at me, he still manages to send electricity through me. It's been two weeks, and everything feels so amazing. He feels amazing. I can't believe I ever lived without him... I can't believe I've ever-
"Oliver?" His whispered, gently trailing his lips on my ear as he spoke. His voice became heavy and hoarse and slightly deeper, filled with something I can only (cliché-ly) call lust.
I swallowed hard and felt my face and body heat up. "Hm?" I mumbled, knowing any sound i would make if I opened my mouth would be squeaky.
Whenever he gets like this, I get so weak to him. He could tell me to run naked through the street and I honestly would, if he told me to do it with that voice.
"I love you," He whispered. He placed his lips on my neck, very slowly and purposely, sending yet another rush of lightening down my spine. "So much."
"I love you too," I managed to murmur. He practically purred as I said that, pulling me even closer to him and kissing the place where my neck met my exposed shoulder where my sweatshirt had slipped off of it. My face burned red and I barely managed to stifle a small gasp.
"You don't know how happy that makes me," He said. I turned my head to the side in an effort to hide my blush, but he saw the opportunity of an open neck and took it. He trailed his lips down my neck, kissing all of the right spots and sucking lightly with each one.
And then everything was clouded. Arthur was everything. He was the air I breathed, the sun that shone, the light I saw, the only thing I felt.
Every movement of his body, I noticed.
Every time skin touched skin, I stopped breathing.
Every time he whispered, I shuddered.
Every time he kissed me, I forgot who I was and where I was and all my troubles floated away.
There was only Arthur.
In the span of the five seconds I had stopped thinking, he changed our position so that he loomed above me, staring at me.
"W-what? Why are you staring at me?" I asked, voice shaky and missing the feeling of his lips.
"You are just... You're so damn beautiful, Oliver," He said.
I wasn't sure what he saw from his point of view, but from mine, he was the beautiful one.
The orange light from the sunset shining through the window behind us lit up his face and put gold flakes into his eyes. His hair fell off of his head in messy layers, the sunlight turning it a soft orange. His smile was small but sure of itself and happy. His eyes... His eyes, as always, held power and strength and intelligence and kindness and loyalty. As of that moment, however, they were still clouded with lust.
He leaned down to me and finally put his lips on mine, one of his hands on my waist, and the other he used to hold himself above me. I kissed him back needingly, pulling his body even closer to mine. I wrapped one of my hands in his hair and he let out a low a groan as I arched my hips into his.
He broke the kiss and brought his lips back to my neck, giving me a chance to speak. I was slightly out of breath from the kiss and my voice was weak and small.
"Arthur?" I said.
In between kisses, he said, "Yes, Love?"
"I want you..." I managed to say, trying to keep as much heaviness in my voice as I could manage.
Smirking, he stopped for a moment. "What was that?"
"I want you...." I said. He pulled back to look into my eyes. Then I pushed my hips up into his again, making another groan come from him, almost feeling guilty for what I was about to do. "I want you... To go get me my bag so I can finish my art project pretty pretty please," I said, a smile creeping across my face.
He closed his eyes and sighed deeply, and then let his head drop next to mine, "Oliver, you're killing me." He said. "I'm dying,"
"Well then go grab my bag before you die and don't get blood on my couch," I said, laughing. Instead of doing that, he let his body go limp. His whole weight fell on top of me and I could barely breathe. But I supposed I deserved it.
"Ar...thur... Get off... Crushing me..."
He stayed limp, though I could hear him chuckling. "I've just died. I can't move."
"Okay, I'm getting it," He laughed again and then stood up and got my bag from the corner of the room. I collected my breath as he sat down next to me.
Pulling out my sketchbook and colored pencils, I started to work on the most recent project for Mr. Vargas' class. We were each given a word, and we had to draw an image we thought of when we saw it. I got the word "silence."
Pulling out various shades of purple and blue, I started to work.
The image in my head was very clear, and pencil hit paper in an effort to get the picture down before it faded from my mind's eye.
Arthur sat behind me, watching. "Love, would you go turn on the radio?" I asked him, hating working in silence. He kissed my head and then got up. "You know the station I like, right?"
"Of course," he said.
A moment later I heard the radio click into life and a commercial was on, so I tuned it out. Arthur came back and sat down next to me, glancing at the drawing.
"Eyes?" He asked.
"Yes." I replied, not taking mine off the page. There was a set of purple eyes, framed by thin, round glasses and golden hair. The eyes seemed glazed over, as if lost in thought or zoned out.
"It's great as usual," Arthur said. After about twenty minutes of comfortable silence and the radio playing in the back, I finally threw the sketchbook onto the table, done for the night. I sighed.
"It's getting late." Arthur glanced out of the window, the moon shining very brightly in it. "I've got to go home,"
"Oh no, can't you stay for the night? Please?" I asked, not wanting him to leave.
"It's a school night, Ollie you know I can't-"
I gave him my best puppy-dog eyes and a little pouty lip, trying to look as sad as I could. I fluttered my eyelashes and stared him down, knowing he'd crack eventually.
"School night, Oll," He said. I could tell his resolve was cracking.
"Please, Love? I just... I miss you when you're gone and... I want to finish what we started earlier," I said, looking at him intently, knowing that would break him.
"I'll call," He said, standing up and pulling out his phone. I smiled to myself, glad about my win.
He may be able to make me completely weak in that type of situation, but anywhere else, I've got him under my thumb. He can't resist the pouty face.
I smiled again and motioned to him that I was running upstairs for a second as he was on the phone. He nodded and then went back to his call.
"Listen, you git, just tell Mother-"
Must be Allistor.
I laughed a bit and then reached my room and rummaged through my closet, hoping to find something that wasn't as thick as the sweater I was wearing. I found a black tee shirt and slipped it over my head, not giving it a second glance. I slipped off my jeans and put on a gray pair of shorts that I was pretty sure were women's, due to the tiny length, but I didn't care. They were comfortable. They came up to just above my fingertips if I let my arms hang at my sides, and I smiled to myself, satisfied with my appearance.
I stepped out of the room and walked back to the living room barefoot, tucking a piece of hair behind my ears.
"Oh, come on, Oliver, you can't just come down here looking like that after teasing me so cruelly earlier!" Arthur said, eyeing me.
I laughed and then planted a kiss on his cheek. "Sorry Love." I said. "By the way, is this your shirt? I found it in my wardrobe and I don't recognize it,"
He glanced at it for a moment and then nodded.
"Yes, that's mine. I brought it over to sleep in that time you called me at midnight because you were- you know- and I must've left it,"
I Blushed, remembering the moment. Waking up in a cold sweat and an empty bed, needing my boyfriend.
My boyfriend.
That sounds so nice.
My boyfriend, Arthur.
I smiled to myself and then took Arthur's hand. "Let's go to bed," I said.
He frowned. "Are we actually going to bed?"
"No." I smirked, turning my head to him. "We won't be sleeping much tonight."

I Just wanted to start things off happy and show that they are very much in love with each other in this book because it's going to get pretty dark later on •____•

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