Jay Gatsby: French?

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God, he is beautiful.
My breath hitched in my throat, seeing him walk down his stairs like that. He was wearing one of my shirts, an old black one with some band on it I didn't listen to, and loose fitting gray shorts which cut of above the middle of his thigh. His legs were long and graceful and covered in freckles like the rest of his body. He watched his feet as he took on the steps, tucking a piece of his bright pink hair behind his ear.
I need him.
With every piece of me, I need him.
He is a bloody tease,
But I need him.
"Oh, come on, Oliver, you can't just come down here looking like that after teasing me so cruelly earlier!" I said to him, earning me one his golden laughs. He came up to me and kissed my cheek, mumbling an apology.
I can't believe that this is my life now. Two weeks ago, I was cynical and alone and now here I am. At the complete mercy of this pink-haired, freckled, tiny artist boy.
"By the way, is this your shirt?" He asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I found it in my wardrobe and I don't recognize it,"
I looked at it. Well, I looked at him in it. He looked less small than he usually does, the oversize shirt fitting him better than the sweaters he constantly adorned. The darkness of the shirt set off the paleness of his skin and hair, and he seemed to glow.
"Yes that's mine," I finally said. "I brought it over to sleep in that time you called me at midnight because you were- you know- and I must've left it,"
I remembered the moment with striking clarity.

It was just midnight, and I had been asleep for less than an hour when my phone lit up, waking me. (It woke me because I fell asleep with it on my face.) I answered it with a mumbled and angry, "who the hell is calling me at midnight?" I asked, not bothering to check the caller ID.
Oliver's voice responded to me. It was low and it sounded like he had just woken up. But it was also filled to the brim with need. "I'm sorry I woke you, but you need to come over right now," He said.
"Why? Are you okay? Something wrong?" I asked, too tired to take the hint.
"No- yes. I need to see you," His voice had dropped to a low murmur. There is no way I can come over there right now, it's mid-
The command he gave me sent a shudder through me and I stood up and grabbed my car keys, not even bothering to slip on shoes or change out of my pajama pants. I grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt and was out the door with a scribbled note to mom in case she woke up and found me gone.

The memory made me smile as Oliver suprised me by taking my hand.
"Come on. Let's go to bed," He said, leading me up the stairs.
Disappointment filled my insides.
"Are we actually going to bed?" I said.
I want to finish what we started earlier don't you dare do this to me, Oliver, I will have my way I am Arthur bloody Kirkland and I will-
"No," He turned back to me, shooting me a small smirk that sent a shiver into my body. "We won't be getting much sleep tonight," He finally said. I whooped internally, the words filling me with excitement at the thought of being with him again.
I love you.
I love you so much.
You are so amazing and you keep every moment new and fresh and beautiful and I'm so happy that I'm with you. I don't deserve this kind of happiness, no one does. No simple human on earth could possibly deserve you and the joys you bring to people, and yet here I am, being dragged into your bedroom on a school night, a stupid, dopey, love struck smile on my face.
Here I am, hopelessly in love.
And then there he was, hopelessly mumbling his "I love you"s while I kissed his skin, every inch of him I could find and adore, every little detail. Breathing him in and memorizing every piece and part, our bodies were twisted together almost as tightly as our souls.
He's mine and I'm his, and life is brighter this way.

-T I M E S K I P-
-brought to you by Prussias 5 meters;)-

I yawned, the morning sun hitting my eyes and waking me. The first thing I noticed was Oliver curled up against me, his back on my chest and my hand over him. He had taken our fingers and intertwined them sometime in the night, and his grip was loose in his sleep. The fingers on his other hand lay near his mouth and I could hear his soft breathing if I listened hard enough. I laid there for awhile, just holding him and inhaling his scent in, loving it even more when it was coupled with the smell of body heat. I smiled, remembering last night, and then remembered it was a school day. I had enough sense to pack some extra clothes yesterday, knowing Oliver would try-and succeed-to get me to stay the night. I sighed before leaning over him and kissing his ear lightly and then stealing my hand back and standing up to get ready. He stirred in his sleep, a small squeak falling out of his mouth and bring a smile to mine. I got dressed as quickly as possible, trying not to wake him, and went to the bathroom to try and fix my disheveled appearance.
However Oliver slipped into the room, now wearing the outfit from last night again as he yawned.
"Morning," he said, reaching around me to grab his toothbrush.
I kissed his head and mumbled a "Good morning," back before grabbing my own toothbrush that Oliver had bought me to keep at his house. I shook my head at the action when he showed me he bought it, but I was grateful now. He stepped in front of the mirror and we both brushed our teeth and exited the room, not speaking. Just as we left, Oliver decided to, for whatever reason, jump on my back. I barely caught him.
"Jesus, Oll, be careful. Warn me next time," I said, wrapping my arms around his calves and hunching over a bit, carrying his small frame.
"Sorry. You're so grumpy in the morning so I thought I'd lighten you up," He said. I could hear the smile in his voice and struggled to keep my own off my face.
"You thought you lighten me up by adding your own weight to me?" I said, amused. He laughed and nodded as I walked us back into his bedroom and then just stood there for a moment.
"You can get down now," I said.
"I could," He stated.
He didn't move.
"So, get down,"
"I don't think I'm going to,"
"Oliver." I said, voice serious.
"Arthur." He replied, mimicking my tone. I smirked as an idea came to me.
I loosened my arms around his legs ever so slightly.
"Arthur Kirkland don't you dare,"
I loosened them again, smiling at his feeble words. When I thought they were loose enough, I shook him. His body jumped as he felt like he was going to fall off of me, but I caught him at the last second, causing a fit of giggles to erupt from him.
He punched me lightly on my shoulder.
"That was mean,"
"Then why are you laughing?" I said, smiling at him.
I shook his head at me and then got changed. He wore yet another sweater. This one a black cable knit one, with a tank top underneath it, and pastel purple skinny jeans. I smiled at the choice of clothing, loving the way his mind worked.
"You like it?" He said, striking a ridiculous pose.
I laughed and nodded. "Always,"
He then turned around and strutted out the door, swaying his hips at me as he spoke. "Well I hope you don't like the outfit too much, because I want you to rip it off me when we get home,"
I rolled my eyes at him and followed him out.
"Oh come on, that was smooth!" He said, turning his head to face me and smiling like a dork.
I hid the smile that threatened to emerge and instead replaced it with a small smirk.
"It was," I said before wrapping him up in my arms, my hands on his waist and my lips on his ear. "But did you really want me to rip that outfit off of you? I thought you liked it. I'd hate to see it in pieces..." I asked, letting my voice drop and murmur, knowing that it did things to him.
You tease me, I tease you, Love. It's only fair.
He stiffened his back immediately, hearing that. Then he nodded as a blush crept up his cheeks. "I-I," he stuttered.
I kissed his cheek happily and then spoke normally again, walking out the front door. "Let's go, we're going to be late!" I said, holding the car door open for him as he locked his house. "We're getting a new project today, for advanced lit, so we need to be on time!"

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