breathing unconsciously

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strangers laughter, poisonous hour.
words you spit it out, making masks for clout.
but sol's drunk and so are we,
now luna's on guard, but the storm took her off.
and as the impact affected my body, i died dead — but breathing unconsciously.
the spirit of lust crawling around my body,
the salty water appeared to wash my face away.
as my weaknesses creep all over me, i beg over and over but your chuckle made me feel hopeless.
i was terrified as you tried to take them off, but you woke up and spoke to me confidently as the others have no clues but you left a mark that stays for days in me.
but for what you did, the wound you scratch out of my flesh stays the same, eternally.
but i wish it to forget, as i remove you from my mind, secretly.

Desperate Nightmares, Old Habits Die: Prose and PoetryWhere stories live. Discover now