part 5( ch -2 Stacy settles it )

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Hi, it's me Rylie.
I've told you everything I know.stacy's voice cracked.
Or have you?see I know about you shoplifting and helping Camelia.
No you don't .
Rylie played the recording.
That's doctored, that isn't me.stacy said hyping up her voice.
It is you, You can stop lying now if you tell me the truth I won't call the police on you.Rylie said.
Ha, Stacy laughed, The police can't arrest you for shoplifting.
But they can for helping in murder,can't they Rylie said.
Stacy's voice went silent.
So now tell me were you present at Camelias house,during the night you killed her ?
Yes, but I didn't ki-Rylie cut her
No buts, just do as your told answer my question.
Now, Did you help Hquers.
Yes,but not in the way you-what did I say just ANSWERS NO QUESTION'S!Rylie said.
Now, One last question Did you help Hquers kill-
No, I didn't.and I said what I had to now delete that audio.
I won't ,hellohello,Rylie said but no one responded,the call had ended but she had all the proof she needed.
The police could reopen the case now, this is over. Rylie couldn't believe it so much so she was so suprised when Katie showed up last minute with all the party stuff, even when Rylie had clearly denied for any sorts of party .

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