chapter two: chihiro

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yo weasley, my friends wants
ya to come to her party friday

tb exact pansys birthday, and well
she mentioned she would love to
have you there

maybe she smoked too much, cause
why would she want a ginger there?
but I have no present so can you
come and it's my present for her?

um no?

come on, don't be like that

I have never once spoken to you
or any other slytherin, why should
I now attend a party host by slytherin?

because deep down you want
to have fun, and not rot in the
gryffindor common room?

well thank you for the invite
but I'm not going anywhere

you can also bring your stinky
friends and that shitty boyfriend
of yours anti

just give her a card?


it's pansy she wants extravagant
so no card or lame present

not my problem

I will give you the answers
for the next DADA exam

I know you're failing and I am
happen to get the exam with the

how do you know I'm failing?

I'm sitting behind you

yeah well I don't need your
help, so go find another present

come on, weasley just
this one thing

I'm not going anywhere

please just think about it!

mh okay


nope ☺️

come on you want this, you
never have this opportunity again

oh no what a shame

I will see you friday

maybe in your dreams 😘

278 words

KEEPING SECRETS WITH YOU - Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now