chapter five: buzzcut season

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liked by notnott, malfoyd and 4,453 others

zablaise know your place #rule1


malfoyd on fire bro

tnott show us your muscles more
daphgg 💪💪💪

enzoberkshire 🧨🧨

mriddle since when do you listen to frank ocean?
zablaise I found out it's my crush' fav artist

pansyp where are your fangirls?
zablaise blocked them, only have eyes for 1 girl
pansyp a girl that hates you?
zablaise not hate, just playin' hard to get

torigreengrass are you trying to flex?
minkweasley looks funny
zablaise come over and touch em, they real
minkweasley no thank you
zablaise offer stands forever

tracyd feeling special that you didn't block us
zablaise you're no target
tracyd thank you blaise thank you really
zablaise your welcome tracy david

tap for more


sorry that anthony went for
your face anf created a scene...

but I'm not sorry that he hit you,
you deserved it, what were you even
thinking, zabini?

oh look who we have here,
minka weasley apologizing
for her boyfriends behavior

and then they ask me why
I like you so much, huh

you really like me huh?

I thought it was obvious

a slytherin crushing
on a gryffindor?

I don't care from which house
you come from, I don't even
care where you come from

minka I like you because of you

how come you like me so much,
but never had a proper convo
with me?

your actions, your heart,
your way of speaking, your
helpful thoughts, your eyes

I like everything about you

It would be a lie if I say I'm not
flattered, but you do know that
I am in a relationship

no problem I can wait

you can wait forever than, I don't
plan on leaving him any soon, I'm
very happy with how things are

how come you text me if you
are happily taken?

minka weasley are you lying
to yourself about your happiness?

I texted you to apologize,
you don't have to worry about
my happiness, blaise zabini

seriously? forget for a second that
I want you, are you really happy
with him? You don't sound like that

thank you for your concern,
but you don't have to, we two
are strangers


talk with your friends about this
then, if not with a stranger, please

I can feel when something is wrong


I mean it

just talk with lilith, she's your
friend, right talk with her she
can help you

437 words

KEEPING SECRETS WITH YOU - Blaise ZabiniWhere stories live. Discover now