chapter six: symphonia IX

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mink where are you?

I thought you were here celebrating
your houses win with your boyfriend?

come on, don't make me look like
an idiot I'm only here for you

I didn't feel like it

your boyfriend don't mind
that you're not here?

My boyfriend understands

you sure?

I would want to have my girl with
me, especially when it's a girl
like you ;)

I'm just not feeling well and didn't
want to destroy his evening, plus
I don't have to explain myself to you

you're on your own?

It's probably just a cold I caught

and your boyfriend's priority isn't
to care of you? instead he's partying?

he won, I didn't want to ruin his night?
his first priority is quidditch after all

that sounds rough, relationships can
be tricky, especially when priorities
don't align...

I did tried talking to him, but he just
doesn't get it. I don't even know
if he cares anymore

for what it's worth, I think you're
worth a lot more than being second
to a broomstick...🧹

Ha Ha

but thank you, that
means a lot to me

you're strong, mink, don't forget that.
And if you ever need someone to talk
to, I'm here 😜

would it be okay if I come over?
I have a get-well package for you

how can I say no to that,
door is open...

259 words

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