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I smirked widely while looking at her face

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I smirked widely while looking at her face. Her face turned pale when she heard the word "punishment". I was slowly carressing her thighs. Fuck! This is torture for me.

Her smooth milky skin is making me hard. I really want to bring my wild imaginations into reality but to my bad luck, she is not ready yet. I really want to claim her as mine. I want to feel her love.

I slowly moved my hand to her inner thigh. I was drawing circles on her inner thigh. She immediately held the chair tightly. Beads of sweat forming on her forehead. She was breathing heavily. I know this must be new for her. We never did anything like this. Just kisses and hugs. I really want her to experience all this but she is scared. Innocent!

I brushed my fingers on her clothed part making her shiver. I could clearly see that she is shivering. I moved my fingers towards the band of her panty. I was playing with band of her panty. She closed her eyes.

"Bambi! Are you alright? Why are you sweating?" Yoongi asked.

I smirked while looking at Aurora.

"I-I'm a-alright." She said.

Yoongi nod his head and continued eating his dinner. I looked at Aurora and her cheeks were red. She was holding the chair tightly. The way she is breathing, I know she wants me to go further but I have to stop because if I lost my control then it'll be very hard to calm the beast inside me and also I can't do something like this without her permission.

I slowly moved my hand back. She looked at me. Damn these beautiful eyes always do something to my heart.

" Don't worry Petal. I won't do anything without your permission." I said.

She blushed and looked down. This girl will be the death of me. Soon we finished our dinner. Now all of us were sitting in the living room. I was sitting beside my love. My hand was on her lower back. I was rubbing her lower back while she was just looking down being all shy.

" Now everyone is here so I'll tell you the real reason why I invited you all." Dad said.

"Is everything okay?" Mr.Min asked.

"Yeah! Everything is alright. I invited you all here so that I can fix the engagement date of my son Seokjin and your daughter Aurora." He said.

Aurora gasped.

"So my friend now give me a date for engagement so we can do the arrangements as well." Dad said.

"What should I say, lets ask from Seokjin and Aurora." Mr.Min said while looking at us.

I cleared my throat.

" Next week. 19th August. Its also her birthday on that day. Perfect." I said.

Man! I'm a straightforward person. I swear if it was not about her studies, I would have married her right now. Its only 8 months. Once she graduates then I won't take a second and will marry her.

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