Chapter 1

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It was dark. He had no idea where he was or where everyone else was. It looked like the sewers yet at the same time it wasn't, everything looked so different.

He was also running, as fast as he could down the tunnels. He didn't know where he was going or what he was running from but he just kept going.

Then he heard the sounds of a battle echoing in the tunnel, growing louder and louder the further he ran. When he finally reached the end of the tunnel he found himself standing in a wide-open chasm overlooking a giant hole that was covered in a thick white mist.

'What is this place? Where the shell am I?'

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Came a painful scream from below.

He sprinted towards the cliffs edge, his eyes landed on a pillar about twenty feet below and spotted what could only be described as a monstrous version of the Shredder standing over the fallen form a humanoid rat, Splinter. But it wasn't his beloved father and yet he knew he was Master Splinter.

The hulking monstrous mutant that loomed over him looked around 8 foot tall wearing a tattered purple cloak and black shorts with gnarly looking blades protruding from it's back, shoulders, arms, legs, hands and even its feet. The Shredders helmet and face mask looked as though it had been fused onto the creature's face and skull.

"What the shell..."

Splinter then threw kunai towards the wall behind the monstrous Shredder. When the blade made contact there was a small explosion causing the pillar to crumble before it collapsed. The Shredder mutant turned to leap away from the crumbling pillar but was grabbed from behind by Splinter.

"SAKI! WE DIE TOGETHER!" He bellowed as he and the monstrous mutant Shredder disappeared into the mist surrounding the pillars.



Mikey jolted upright in his bed gasping, his hand flew to his plastron over his heart, his face wet with sweat. His eyes quickly scanned around the room until he realized that he was still in his bedroom in the lair. Klunk, who'd been sleeping on his chest before being woken up by her turtle master's frightened mumbling, looked up at her caring owner worriedly.

He released the breath he'd been holding as he fell back onto his bed, limp with relief, "It was just a dream. Just a dream." He assured himself, taking long deep breaths to calm his agitated nerves.

He lifted a hand to his face, wiping the sweat off his skin. Throughout his life he'd had more than his share of nightmares and bad dreams. Dreams of the Boogeyman, monsters, things that go bump in the night... the usual stuff that gives kids nightmares. As he got older his dreams took a more serious turn. About battles fought but with twisted altered endings, the feeling of being inches away from death, watching his family and friends die before his eyes, or the return of their most hated and deadly enemies. But lately his dreams had taken a different turn, they featured battles that he didn't remember fighting, adventures that he couldn't recall ever having, and people (good and bad) that he didn't remember meeting.

He glanced over at his alarm clock on his bedside desk, it read two thirty-six in the morning, which meant that everyone was still asleep. He knew that there was no way that he was gonna fall back to sleep, not with the dream still fresh in his mind. He didn't think he could risk the chance of closing his eyes without seeing the piercing green eyes of the monster in his dream.

"Oh man." He mumbled, "Mmph, these nightmares are killing me. How's a turtle supposed to get his beauty sleep if I can't even get a good nights sleep?"

A small weight sat on his plastron followed by a soft 'mew'. Lifting his head off his pillow he found his beloved pet cat gazing at him, her big golden eyes staring into his clear blue eyes.

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