Chapter 3

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The turtles and Splinter nearly collapsed when their feet touched solid ground. The pulling feel of being transported to another world was a feeling that the turtles and Splinter did not miss at all. It was disorienting and a little nauseating.

"Ugh, now there's a feeling I didn't miss."

"No kidding."

When their vision cleared from the blinding light, they were flabbergasted by their surroundings. They weren't in their lair, in fact they weren't even underground anymore, they were outside on a rooftop, it was night, but above all everything looked different. Very different.

"Oh somebody please tell me that what just happened didn't really happen?" Raph pleaded.

"I'm afraid it did Raphael." Splinter groaned softly while rubbing his head.

"Whoa dudes." Mikey spoke, "Look at us. We look so... bulgy." He said looking down at himself.

The rest of the family examined themselves and found that they did indeed look different. More defined and... solid.

Leo turned to his purple clad brother, "Uhh Donnie, what's going on here? Where the shell are we?"

"And why does the world look like we jumped right into a 3D movie?" Raph added looking down at his hands.

"I... I don't know. Somehow the portal stick activated itself and it transported us into a three dimensional world. At least that's what it looks like anyway." Donnie concluded.

Raph turned towards Mikey but before the younger ninja could say anything he held up his hand, "Don't even say it Mikey." He warned.

"Hey I was right wasn't I? I told you that I wasn't crazy and that I saw what I saw. The least you can do is admit that I was right Raph."

Raph really didn't want to do that... but he also knew that he didn't than Mikey would be more unbearable than his Battle Nexus win. With an annoyed sigh he said, "Fine you were right and I was wrong. There, you happy?"

Mikey smiled victoriously. Although he was happy that he was right about the Portal Stick, at the same time he wasn't. He turned to Donnie, "Donnie how did the Portal Stick turn itself on? I thought you said that the portal stick wouldn't work without the power cell."

"Again I don't know." Donnie repeated as he checked the portal stick, "Something must've triggered the power cell which caused the portal stick to activate itself." Then he turns towards his brothers, "And before anyone asks I don't know how or why it happened. I'm just as in the dark as everyone else okay." After a quick look over he found that the portal stick had absolutely no power, "Oh no..."

Leo didn't like the sound of that, "What? What is it Donnie?"

"The power cell is missing." Donnie said looking around for the power cell.

Everyone searched the whole rooftop looking for the power cell. Luckily they were able to find it, or rather Klunk found it, which earned the little feline an affectionate scratch behind her ears from her master.

Donnie checked it over and was relieved to find that it hadn't been damaged. When he put it into the portal stick to find out where they were the stick didn't even flicker. He opened the covering to check the circuitry and discovered the problem.

"Oh no."

"What is it Donatello?" Splinter asked but already getting a bad feeling on what his genius son was going to say.

"This is not good. The wires that connect to the power cell are shot and the circuits were fried. Whatever caused the Portal stick to activate itself must've overheated the circuitry."

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