Chapter 4

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Just so that there's no confusion


Donatello or Don
Michelangelo or Mike



The reason I'm calling 2003 Splinter 'Splinter' is because that is his name whereas 2012 Splinter was only called that after his mutation, so he will go by his human name Yoshi. (Hopefully this won't be too confusing.)

"So just to be clear." Leonardo said after a period of silence looking at this dimensions Splinter, "You're Hamato Yoshi but then after fighting the Kranng you were mutated into a rat by the same mutagen ooze that also changed them?" He gestured to the younger turtles.

"That is correct." Yoshi nodded.

"And your Master Splinter was the pet of Hamato Yoshi and Tang Shen before you all were mutated?" Leo continued.

"That is also correct." Splinter nodded.

"And your Shredder is a Kraang?" Raph asked.

"An Utrom actually." Donatello corrected.

"Whatever. Basically your world's Shredder's an evil alien war criminal, who had been living on earth for hundreds of years and took on the name of Oroku Saki, right?" The older turtles and Splinter nodded.

"And your Shredder is a human?" Donatello continued.

"That I find hard to believe." Raphael said.

"Technically yes but... we wouldn't classify him as human. Not now anyway." Donnie spoke, the younger teens and Splinter nodded.

"And these two kids," Raphael gestured to April and Casey, "are April O'Neil and Casey Jones?"

"That's right." April nodded.

"Hey who're you call'n a kid?" Casey turned to Raphael, "I'm at least a year older than these guys." He gestured to the younger turtles.

"Wow, big age difference string bean." Raphael said in monotone. Which earned him some snickers from the younger turtles and April.

"Yeah well I maybe young but don't underestimate me. Cause Casey Jones has taken on Purple Dragons, killer alien robots, mutant freaks, and creepaziod aliens without breaking a sweat." Casey boasted.

"He's definitely got the Casey Jones attitude that's for sure." Michelangelo pointed out, his brothers nodded in agreement.

"Except our Casey doesn't refer himself in the third person way." Donatello added.

"But that also means he's as much a bonehead as our Casey." Raphael grinned.

Before Casey could retort April stopped him, "Casey just drop it okay." She then turned back to the older turtles, "So uh... the versions of me and Casey in your world are adults and... also married?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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