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Next day..

BlueNova8 grunted as he winced in pain at his scars. His familia was gone as he stayed and took all the pain the brown haired boy would've gotten as well. Blood stained his naked body, both old and new. Needles were stinging into his skin, his tattoos conflicting with the blood. Blue was on his last breath as he chained by his arms and legs, not able to move nothing but his chest and head. The chief stared at Blue, rubbing at his mustache with anger as he narrowed his eyes. "Again." The guards brought back out their batons, coated in spikes as they beated Blue with no holding back.
The bald haired man hadn't made a single noise except low grunts and moans.

"BlueNova8... Do you even REALIZE what you have DONE TO US ALL?!" The chief slammed his fist on the wall. "We've been trying to catch that man for 7 YEARS now!! SEVEN!! AND HE ONLY STAYED HERE FOR A WEEK, SEVEN DAYS, HE'S GONE. BECAUSE OF YOU."

"He was.. my familia.. I did it... for the both of us." Blue coughed out

"Do you even know who he truly is..?"

Denis reached his old home, seeing all the yellow tape that covered it—tearing through to get inside. He stared for a moment at the disasters, papers all over of the giant nuke that destroyed half of Florida and anyone outside of it. Liquids on the floor that caused holes through the wood— Denis stepping aside them carefully. He made his way into his office, looking around as everything looked normal. Denis smiled at the photo of him and Sir Meows, seeing how happy he was. Where was that cat now..? Denis sighed it off for now, going back to searching. He suddenly saw a compartment with the label 'Mission; Impossible', Denis opened it carefully. Inside was files of states to hit, curiously Denis brought out the one labeled, "Florida". Inside was a note,

'I stole a candy bar from the teacher back in middle school, got into juvenile detention... She lives in Florida, Miami... I'll KILL HER.'

Denis's eyes went into shock, was this the man he truly was..? That couldn't be possible. Suddenly, a red button started glowing. Hesitantly, Denis pressed it as a door emerged. The man gulped, what was exactly down there? Just who is DenisDaily?

"He's a sickening and dangerous beast of a man! Known for nothing but the destruction of humanity!" The chief shouted.

"No.. no, that's where you're wrong...." Blue's lips curled into a weak smile. "You haven't seen what I saw in him. He has the most generous and beautiful soul a man like me could experience, he's timid to all but me—like I'm his sun but in reality, he's my sun.. My one and only blooming sun." Blue stared at the light on top of the ceiling, but Denis's face replaced over it. "He's my familia."

Denis tipped toed his way down the stairs, watching as the lights slowly turned on. His heart thickens.. the papers. The note. Everything was aligning so perfectly but Denis didn't want to believe it himself. But it was the truth. What he was standing in front of now was the prototype for what had hit Florida two weeks ago. The pure terror on Denis's face wasn't because of what he created but.. what he had become. His heart was beating out of his chest, Denis ran into the nearby table—throwing himself onto it as he made all the items crashed to the ground. Denis gripped the table heavily, the images of BlueNova8 running through his mind. His familia... he needed to go back for him. He must.
Denis's sorrow smile turned into a pitiful laugh, holding his head aggressively before out bursting into maniacal laughter, hearts flowing in his eyes. Blue was all he wanted in this very moment. He would go through hell and back just to see Blue's smile one last time. One last time. That was all he wanted. One last hug. One last conversation..

One last time with his Cariño.

Jail Story (DenisDaily x BlueNova8)Where stories live. Discover now