The Call

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Wesley came home from the hospital. The house was empty without Angela. He felt weak, it was too much. He started screaming and crying. Wesley took a glass and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He took a sip but he felt so so much anger, he threw the glass to the wall. "I miss you sooo much, it was all for nothing! Please come back! I can't do this without you!" He screamed, tears were rolling down his face.

He got so angry, he started throwing stuf. The whole room was a mess. Wesley sat in the middle of the room, looking at the mess he made. He took the whiskey bottle and chugged the whole bottle. He fel asleep on the ground.

Wesley woke up to a phone call, it was the hospital. "Hi, is this Wesley Evers?" "Hey, yes this is him" he replied. "It's about your baby, can you come to the hospital?" The hospital lady said. He looked at the time, it was 4:30 am "yea sure, I'm coming" he said while running to the car. While he was running he fell, shit he's still drunk. He didn't care, he needed to get to the hospital. He started the car and drove to the hospital.

He made it safe to the hospital, with a little bit of damage to the bumper. He went to the receptionist and asked about the baby. Then a doctor walked to him "are you Wesley Evers?" He nodded. "Come with me" the doctor told him "the baby is fine but he needs to stay in the hospital for as long as it takes. He was born prematurely so we need to keep him. Did you have a name?" They didn't had time to name him. But then he remembered something, in the helicopter, before she died she said something. "Name him Jackson" that's what she said. Wesley made the decision "we wanted to name him Jackson" "okay Jackson it is, and I'm sorry for your loss."

Wesley went to see the baby, he was so tiny. He already looked like Angela. He broke down, and ran away as fast as he could. He saw a bench and sat on it with his head in my hands. He looked at the ground as tears fell. He stood up and went to the nearest bar.

Meanwhile at Tim's house.
"Ofc you can Luce" Tim said "I was just walking to you to ask the same thing" he opened the door further so Lucy could walk in. Lucy gave him a little smile, Tim got butterflies in his stomach. They hugged each other in silence. Then they looked at each other, sparks were flying. There was so much tension between them.

They were standing really close to each other. Then Lucy broke the silence "should we get in bed then?" They laid in the bed, far from each other. They both came closer, Lucy put her head on his chest and Tim put an arm around her. They were both thinking the same thing, "I'm so happy that I'm with him/her." Tim softly rubs her arm with his hand. They were laying in silence and Lucy looked up at him.

"What?" Tim's asked in a bit flirty tone. "How did it happen?" Lucy asked. Tim immediately looked sad. "We were running from La Fiera to the helicopter, then La Fiera shot her." After he said it it went silent, not awkward silent but good silent.

Then Tim stood up "I could have saved her!" He screamed off the top of his lungs. Lucy stood next to him and hugged him "no you couldn't have done anything" she said with a soothing voice.

"Yes I did, I could have put myself in front of her!" He screamed. "No! Stop! Then you would be dead! I wouldn't be able to handle losing you both!" She said back to him. They looked at each other with tears falling. "Come back to bed" Lucy said, she took his hand and led him to the bed. They were so tired that they immediately fell asleep.

The next morning they woke up from a phone call. Lucy picked up, it was Grey "hello sir" she said with a sleepy voice. "Chen? What are you doing with Bradford's phone?" He replied. Lucy looked at the phone and realised she picked up Tim's phone.

Tim looked at her with a face that said what's wrong? "Sorry sir, here is Bradford" and she handed Tim the phone. Tim listen to what Grey had to say and looked at Lucy with a concerned look. "What happened?" Lucy asked. "They found Wesley passed out in an alley next to a bar!" He replied.

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