Time to Go

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It was Friday 6:30 pm, Grey stood at Wesley's front door. He knocked, he heard a baby crying. Then Wesley opened up, he looked like he hasn't showered in weeks. "Hey Grey, wats up?" Wesley said.
"We have a dinner planned, and you're coming!" Grey replied. "Well I'm sorry but I can't, I don't have a nanny" Wesley said while slowly closing the door. "Luckily I have thought of everything! Angela's mom will babysit!" Grey said with a big smile "let's get you cleaned up and then we'll go".

Wesley took a shower and put some decent clothes on. He walked to his car and said "I'll meet you there". When they got to the restaurant everybody was s already there. They ordered their drinks and food.
Then Lucy and Tim stood up. "We have something to tell you, that's why we wanted to go to dinner" Lucy said. And Tim finished her sentence "we've been dating!"  Everyone congratulated them and told them that they were happy for them. But Wesley stayed quiet, when everyone went silent he said "Angela knew this before you did" he said it on a very monotone and sad way. Everyone stayed quiet.

Then the food came and the conversations started again. The rest of the evening was very fun but Wesley stayed quiet. But then Wesley stood up and said "I'm going home, bye" and he left. Tim tried to run after him but he was already gone. He came back inside and said "he's gone, should we just wrap this up and call it a night?" Everyone agreed and said goodbye.

On the drive home Lucy looked concerned. "What's wrong?" Tim asked. Lucy looked at him and said "I'm really worried about Wesley, he looked bad, really bad" "I know but we can't do anything, he won't listen to us" he replied.
When they got home they watched an episode of top chef. Then they heard a knock, it was Wesley. Tim opened the door and said "Heyy Wesley, is everything alright?" "Yeah, uhmm can I come in? I need to ask you both something" he said absent.
Lucy came to the door and said "yes of course, come in. Do you want something to drink?" "No I'm good. Uhm the thing I wanted to ask is. Wait first an explanation. I've been thinking a lot about what will happen if I died, and what will happen to Jackson. Because you never know when your life will end. So I thought will you take care of Jackson if I died?"

"Yes ofc" Tim said and Lucy "we'd love to! But I know you'll have a long life" "yes and if you ever need anything, we're here for you!" Tim said. "Thanks guys, can you fill the paperwork? So it's just finalised." Wesley said. Tim and Lucy filled out the paperwork and gave it to Wesley. "I'll beter be going, it's already late" Wesley said. Then he just walked out.

Wesley sat in the car, he looked at a photo of Angela. "I'm sorry" he said while sobbing. He took a bottle of wh!skey and chugged it until it was empty. Then he took all his anxiety medicine and began to drive. When he arrived home, he took a piece of paper and started to write.

"Dear Jackson,
I'm sorry, I couldn't do it. When I knew you would get a good home I gave up. When you read this you'll probably be around 10. Here is the story of how Lucy and Tim became your parents.

It started with La Fiera she kidnapped your mother, because she wanted you as her child. I tried to save her but I was too late. I couldn't handle losing her, but then you were alive. You gave me strength to fight for a few weeks. But when I found a good home for you, I knew it was my time to go.
Love, your dad
Wesley Evers."

He placed the letter on the table and put it in an envelope and wrote on it "for my son Jackson when he's 10 years old". Next to the letter he put the paperwork and his will.

He laid on the couch, waiting for the alcohol and pills to work.

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