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Tags:  fluff ⸝⸝ established relationship ⸝⸝ sick & clingy buck ⸝⸝ concerned boyfriend Eddie ⸝⸝ swearing

Trigger warnings:  N/A

Description: Buck is sick and Bobby calls him out on it and asks his boyfriend Eddie to take him home, which he does. Eddie takes care of his sick and clingy boyfriend.

Requested by: N/A

Written by mincatz

Please enjoy <3


Buck had been out of focus all day and it was concerning Eddie and the rest of the team. Whenever they asked him what was wrong he just waved them off telling them he hadn't slept much last night, which concerned them even more. "Buck my office now!" Bobby had shouted from the doorway of his office, Buck stiffened in anxiousness and reluctantly went to the captain's office. The older man gestured to the leather seat in front of his desk and Buck sat down fiddling with his fingers. "Alright, kid what's going on with you? You've made a few mistakes today and it's very unlike you" Bobby questioned with concern lacing his voice. he just shrugged his shoulders in response and opened his mouth, "It's nothing cap just not enough sle-" The other cut him off with the raise of his hand "That's not the answer I'm looking for Buck and you know that" Bobby got a good look at Buck; pale skin, sweat beads on his forehead and struggling to breathe. He stood up, walked around his desk, and put the back of his hand on Buck's forehead who jolted away and stood up in panic. "You're hot Buck, don't lie to me are you sick?" giving him the dad look and he immediately caved. "I'm sorry cap it's only a little cold I promise!" Bobby sighed and told him to go home and he only got whines and nos in response. "I'm not joking kid, I'm getting Eddie and he's taking you home"

Everyone knows of Buck and Eddie's relationship, it wasn't exactly hidden with them constantly stealing kisses when they think the team isn't looking or staring at each other longer than needed. The 118 thought it was disgustingly cute and Hen being Hen had placed bets on when they would cave and confess to each other, lo and behold she won. Chimney even had to tell them to behave because they were so touchy-feely. While Buck was deep in thought Bobby shouted Eddie to his office and told him about his lover being sick, told him to take him home, and that they had the next few days off which Eddie was thankful for. The sick man was taken out of his head by a light slap to his head and looked up to see his boyfriend with a teasingly disappointing look on his face, He pouted in retaliation and asked him what he was doing in Bobby's' office, "I'm here to take your stubborn ass home" Buck whined out a no before he got picked up by his boyfriend and carried out to his truck saying goodbye to everyone. Eddie lightly chucked Buck in the passenger seat, Buckled him up, and got into the driver's seat. They started their journey to Texan's house since Christopher was still at school for at least a couple more hours, Buck had fallen asleep in exhaustion and Eddie just sadly smiled at him. Buck always hid how he was feeling as he didn't want to feel like a burden to the people he called his family, after the lawsuit he was even more careful not to make any mistakes as he didn't want to lose them, especially Eddie.

Eddie pulled into his driveway and carefully picked him up from his seat, he locked his truck and brought him inside to place him on his sofa. Eddie googles a simple soup recipe to make for Buck since it'll be light on his stomach. After a difficult 40 minutes of trying to make a delicious soup, he finally made it and went to wake up Buck since he'd been asleep for an hour. He crouched down by his face and began lightly shaking Buck's shoulder, who made noises of discomfort before opening his eyes to see the love of his life. " Hey there cariño I made you some soup, let's go eat" Buck pouted and opened his arms hoping Eddie would carry him, much to his delight he was immediately picked up and brought to the kitchen island where a steaming bowl of soup and a glass of water was waiting for him. Buck blushed and thanked Eddie, "You didn't have to do all this for me love, I know I'm a burden" He mumbled the last part hoping he didn't hear him but Eddie did and gave him an emotional kiss expressing his love and feelings through it. "You are NEVER a burden you hear me mi amor, I will do this a million times just to make sure you get better okay?" Buck had tears in his eyes at his confession, he always felt like a burden because of his parents mistreating him as a young boy. He knew his parents always favored Maddie instead of him which made him do all those reckless things in hopes his parents would at least care a little but they never did and instead of bandaging him up he got angry words of disappointment and annoyance which hurt so much. Buck was just glad he had Maddie to help him become the young man he is today until she left with Doug and put him in the spotlight of his parent's ridicule.

Buck decided not to dwell on it any further as he knew he'd just go into a pit of depression. "I love you Eddie thank you for this" He gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before eating the soup. After eating Eddie took his temperature which thankfully had settled down, He carried Buck to the sofa since he knew he'd just do his cute pout again and grabbed some soft blankets and covered Buck with them knowing he'd fall back to sleep again, Eddie sent a quick text to Carla asking if she'll pick Chris up from school as he's with a sick Buck. Thankfully she immediately agreed and told him she'd spend some time with Chris before taking him home. Eddie was so thankful that he had Carla in his life because he didn't know what would happen if he didn't. Whines from Buck brought him out of his thoughts and chuckled at how clingy he was being, he hadn't seen him like this before and it was quite adorable. "yeah yeah I'll come cuddle you, whiny baby" The other aggressively flapped his arms for Eddie to hurry up, He did while grabbing glasses of water on his way out of the kitchen. Then Texan grabbed the TV remote and put on a movie they were both dying to watch but hadn't had the chance to yet.

The end credits rolled on the screen as light snores came from Buck while Eddie was staring at his sleeping partner in admiration. He was so proud of how far he'd come since they first met, he remembers how reckless Buck was (and still is but we won't go there) He remembers all the obstacles they have both overcome in the 7 years of knowing each other, all the little fights; the looks of secretly yearning for the other, the lawsuit, the tsunami. Eddie has never been so proud of Buck and how far he's come, Even with the situation with his parents and how hard he tried to make them proud of him. he finally knows now that he never needed his parent's approval and only needed Bobby and Athena's as he sees them as his unbiological parents. Eddie heard the front door handle jiggle and open to Chris trotting in with his crutches tapping along the floor and Carla soon followed suit with his son who was too excited to see his dad. "Dad!" Chris cheered and gave him a tight hug, Eddie's son looked over to Buck who was awake and rubbing his eyes at the commotion. His eyes lit up as soon as he saw Chris making his way to him, "Hey superman! how was school?" Buck spoke coughing slightly as he was still sick. "I'm okay bucky! Carla said you are sick are you okay?" The 9-year-old spoke in concern. "I'm okay pinky promise!" Buck stuck his pinky finger out and linked it with Christophers and made the promise official by tapping their thumbs together.

The rest of the night was filled with laughter, light coughing from Buck, and love.

"Mi Familia" Eddie whispered as he saw Buck and Chris snuggled together watching Despicable Me 2 with empty pizza boxes on the coffee table.

This is home.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope it's okay, I know it seems rushed and it admittedly was :')

I'll try harder next time :)

If you have any requests please put them in the requests chapter!

1525 words

©mincatz 2024

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