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Dear Min.

My darling, my universe, my Omega.

I got your letter. I had to read it in the bathroom so other Alphas won't see me cry. You are my weakness, Yoongi. You make me feel emotions a thousand times more intense. You're my life. And yeah, I can't live without you.

Guess what? I know your roommates' loved ones.

Namjoon is in the department of war strategy and arms measures. He is too smart for his age. He talks about his younger brother Hoseok everytime. His biggest dream is for this war to end, for us to have victory just so he can see the smile on Hoseok's face. Even if it costs him his life.

Taehyung...Kim Taehyung. A very weird fella. We became friends since the first day. He is honestly too handsome to be here. During the day, he is busy making everyone laugh, and still working hard. But at night, when it's just us two, he cries so much. He misses his mate Jimin more than anything else. I admire him. He is holding up so well.

But what about me, snow white?
Everyday without you kills me slowly.
Your scent lingers in my senses. God, how I desire to have you in my arms,my petal. Everything around reminds me of you. The white clouds remind me of your pale skin, the stars at night remind me of your sparkly eyes, I miss you so much, baby.

I couldn't believe just how much you people are suffering in the camps. The leader promised us total safety and comfort for our omegas and betas.
Don't worry honey. We made complaints, and the general will sort things out, including punishing the Alpha who assaulted the omega.

I'm planning to save up enough money, so you can move to the better secured areas where the wealthy are. Mom and dad are there too. They say there is enough meals and good sleeping quarters. It's not fair, that only the rich omegas and betas get to have comfort during these harsh times. I will get you to a better place.

I built more muscles. The training here is intense. At first, my back ached for a whole week, but I got used to it.
Life here is also hard. Soldiers are dying everyday. It's so hard watching those you are fighting with fall to their demise. There is this fear that just crawls into me whenever one person after another dies.

The thought of never seeing you again scares me, Yoongi. Whenever we head for battle, I pray to come out alive, just so I'm one step closer to seeing you,my love. Just to taste your lips, and embrace you. Just to make love to you and feel you again and again. I honestly do not feel like I am breathing. How can I? When I left my breath of fresh air behind? Words can't explain just how lonely it gets Yoongi.

I'm trying to be strong. For us. I always do what you told me to. I close my eyes, and I imagine you, right next to me. Having that beautiful wide gummy smile as you try to tickle me. It gives me strength to push forward.

Your heat is coming soon. I can feel it, even thousands of miles away. I am worried, I know just how hard it gets for you. I'm so sorry I won't be there this time. I'll make it up to you, I promise. I hope those alpha soldiers will not try anything foolish.
You are mine. Only mine.
As I am yours.

I still have your photo. It is my treasure, my gem during these hard times. I sleep with it held close to my chest.
Taehyung saw it and he said you looked like a kitten. That is the first time I laughed since coming here. Seeing your face on this photo simply motivates me to fight harder.

I know it's tough for both of us, darling. But keep your head high for me, yeah? Like you said, you are my omega. You are strong, even stronger than me. It's one of the reasons i fell so madly in love with you. Your resilience is like magic to me, baby.

I haven't forgotten all our dreams, our plans petal. When I come back home, I will sing for you, we will dance under the moon, we will have our own family.

We will be happy. Just us, and our little pups, with my doe eyes and your beautiful smile...

Keep on praying for me. Don't stop. Because it's helping. Your love for me is helping.

I hate war. You have always known that despite me being an Alpha, I prefer peace, and calmness. Being here is suffocating. We have to kill to survive. The sun rarely even shines at these parts of the country. The place is too fogged with smoke, too noisy, guns and bombs and shouts. It is too haunting.

But I am your strong alpha. I'll be alright.

We have to hand over the letters.
I'm trying so hard not to cry. It's not allowed for a soldier.

I miss you so, so much, my snow white, my world.
Say hello to your roommates, hopefully, we may meet, once we come back home.

I love you forever.

Your loving mate.

Jeon Jungkook.


Jungkook sniffs and blinks, trying so hard not to cry. His heart was breaking with every word he was writing to Yoongi. A hand is placed on his shoulder. He looks up to see Taehyung softly smiling at him. His eyes are also glistening with tears, tears that he also forbids from falling.

Both of them silently hand over their letters. They walk out of the tent when they are met with the sight of more bodies being brought into the camp. Their lifeless gore bodies on stretchers.

Jungkook let's out a shaky breath, tears slipping from his eyes and a muffled sob.

" Calm down, Jeon. Things will get better."

Jungkook nods. Quickly wiping his eyes, he marches to the open field, getting ready for attack.

" One more day." He tells himself.


My poor babies😭😭😭💔

Why do I love so much pain?

Hope you enjoyed though 😁😁

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