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Dear Jeon

My golden Alpha, my mate, and soulmate.

It's been five months. Five whole months and too much of everything. Too much anger, too much sadness, too much pain, too much hopelessness, and a never ending fear.

And longing.
And desperation.

Endless prayers and countless dreams.
I feel like I am at the brink of loosing my sanity.
You just came into my life, Jeon and you turned my whole world upside down. I can't function properly without you. You became an addiction, my drug that I need.

I feel like I can't take it any longer.
But I'm willing to wait. I know it is all worth it at the end of everything.

Holly is doing well. She loves cuddling so much. Her best spot is on Jimin's growing belly. Like Holly can listen to the baby inside Jimin.
He's just adorable, and he makes the children here happy.
Thank you for the gift, my prince  charming.

Jimin is also doing quite well. He is a lot more bubbly with an massive craving for strawberries. The omegas here at the camp are so sweet to him. They offer him their strawberries since we all know how much he loves them.

Hoseok is also doing really well. We have all adapted to this life.
Which made me realize...
That this unfortunate occurrence may have brought so much pain and sorrow, but it also brought lessons.

We have changed so much during these past months.
We have learnt to share and survive with the little we have. We have learnt to speak out our thoughts and protest against being manipulated just because we are omegas and betas. We have learnt that pain is a part of every person. We have learnt that life is not all garden and roses.

And I know you have grown too, Kook. I feel it in the way you write you letters. You have become much wiser. Makes me love you more.

We are not the same as we were before all this happened. Before, we only knew of dates, partying, laughter, fun...
But experiencing this pain of being away from you? Feeling this desperation, and this immense anger and fear? It made me realize just how much I love you.
Made me realize just how strong our bond is. A bond that out stands the test of time and distance. You and I have overcome it all.

We heard that the war is almost coming to a halt. That our country is almost at the brink of victory.

We are all so proud of you, our Alphas. You've taught us to survive, and stand up for ourselves.

We were weak and lost at first. The fear of not having our Alphas around made us to be so unconfident about ourselves. But with time, we have learnt to stand on our own, to keep going on this side as you support us from the other side. We have become stronger, and it's all thanks to you.

The rains have begun on this part of the country. And with the rains came the cold. But favour must be upon us because good Samaritan's from other countries sent us more clothes and blankets. Sometimes our tents leak waters but we have learnt to cope.

And yes, I will go wherever you will. If my Alpha feels it is okay for us to move to another country? Then fine, I will move. Because I trust you, and I know you want nothing but the best for us.

You're my only family Jeon. You are the only one I have. I'll go if you will.

Hurry back. I can't wait to see you. Once again, I am crying as I write this letter. But unlike the first day, when I was crying due to fear, and pain, today I am writing, full of hope and peace.

I remember the day you were taken from me. The way you screamed my name. Our hands that were entwined together forcefully ripped apart. I saw the anger and pain in your eyes...and you saw mine. But my eyes carried a promise. That is would wait for you.

I never got the chance to kiss you, or hug you, or tell you just how much I love you. I stood there, crying like a weak bitch.

But I know better now. I know that when we reunite, I will cherish every single moment of ours. I will hold you close every chance I get. And I'll let the world know just how much I love you, Jeon.

No thinking twice, no fear, no regrets.

So hurry back my King. I need to show you just how much you mean to me. To plant kisses on you like a painter making art on his canvas. To touch you, like I worship you, to whisper words of love, and words of let you have me as a whole. To offer you everything I can give to you, my mate.

Hurry back.

Because I'll be waiting.

I adore you, my handsome man.
Kisses, and hugs.

Yours eternal


************************************** more chapter.

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