Chapter Fourteen

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Sam arrived back in the dormitory shortly after collapsing with Elliot in the library. 7am had rolled around fast and his body felt tired and dirty. he wanted to shower and change his clothes. Instead he opted to sit down heavily on one of the plush armchairs and relax for just a moment.

"Sam! Over here!" Hildy stood near the centre fireplace.

Her long, black hair was pulled into a messy bun and her dress was white with many technicolour daisies printed on, the witches all dressed with a sense of whimsy that Sam loved. She carried a small pouch around her waist and seemed to be waiting for him.

"We can go get breakfast together, we should grab our timetables today and find out where our homeroom will be." she smiled before leading the way down to the main hall.

"What exactly is a homeroom? Is it important?" Sam thought about school back home, they only ever had form-tutors, the person who took your attendance before you went off for the day.

"Oh yes, whichever teacher you get as your homeroom lead will determine who you spend the next year working with for study sessions, P.E class, any sort of communal activity will be done with your other homeroom students and the fact that this year we could get Vampires is going to be wild...We've never had to have homeroom with Vamps."

"I hope I get to be with Sunny" Sam said aloud to the curious Witch.

"Whose that?"

"He's the fully turned Vampire, he was brought to Stildegar early too- we spent most of the summer together."

"Oh my, the company you keep hmm" She raised her dark eyebrows.

"You don't like Vampires?"

"As much as I like a lion. Cool to watch from afar but I don't wanna be around when it's hungry."

Sam was taken aback by this response, Hildy didn't seem the type to have such prejudice but then again, Sam knew far too little about the politics of the Fae world to pass comment on such a thing. Hildy turned to watch him with wide blue eyes.

"You find me unfair?"

"I don't know, is it?"

"Possibly, I suppose so. I am sure there are many Vampires who do not speak to us humans like beings less than themselves...somewhere out there."

"Because you are human?"

"Yup! Most Witch Covens span entire villages in the Middle Realm, we tend not to travel to Galadria much, but we do have a large base there...I have been once to visit my Grandparents but after that Mum decided not to bring us there"

"Why not?"

"Because it's safer in our Coven. But here we learn all about the world, the realms...and we decide where we want to live and work. Perhaps my time here will change my views on the Vamps, here's hoping anyway" she said cheerfully as Sam nodded.

The main hall smelled of bacon and eggs, people milled around the large tables- eating and drinking from the floating vats of orange juice that bounced from table to table. Sunny was sat with the tired Initiates once again, when he saw Sam he bounded over with a smile across his face.

"What a night, how about you? How was detention with that asshole?" he asked.

"Easy peesy" Sam didn't want to talk about it. "...wanna sit with us? Unless you have like...people over there"

Sam suddenly felt self conscious. He knew it was no longer Sunny and him running around the castle, the Vampire was bound to make more friends. The Vampire nodded enthusiastically and made his way to the orange tables.

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