Chapter Twenty-Six

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Livinder Nightblood, Ferverou and Aberelle sat opposite all the other representatives for the school council. Sam felt it unfair that everyone else only had two and the Vampires had more, with one being the Head Boy. Although he realised he was the only rep for the Fairies which he found silly, he was there to represent himself and himself only. But he knew he owed Tilderin a favour and so he sat by himself at the round meeting table they had rolled out in the main hall.

"Halloween is only one week and 3 days away. We have much to do and to discuss, now then, I have decided we will be having an old Venetian inspired masquerade ball. So white outfits, truly creative masks and gowns...that sort of thing." Aberelle brought out his notebook and began reeling off ideas.

"We could ask Amarellia to bring the gardens out again? My sister told me she did it for their Halloween ball." Jackson, the rep for the Werewolves asked.

Aberelle pointed his pen at him with an excited smile.

"Fantastic idea."

"People will do unspeakable things there." Ferverou added causing a few giggles. "The less hiding places there are, the better."

"Come now Fe, we're all adults. I'm sure we will all act with decorum and composure so as not to embarrass ourselves." Aberelle countered her, she sniffed in disapproval.

"Uhh we could ask the Witches to take over the lighting. They did two years ago and it was just amazing." Livinder said, causing Sam to become immediately irritated.

"No." He said without thinking, he had no real reason to oppose this and when Aberelle looked at him for clarification he shrugged.

"Why not?" Ferverou asked finally, breaking the awkward silence.

"Lighting is stupid." Sam knew he sounded ridiculous and so Aberelle moved on.

"Now then decorations, can I trust that Art Club can handle that?" he looked to Jackson who nodded happily.

"Oh! I can ask my father to bring some masks for you to draw inspiration from, he spent a rather long winter in Venice in 1701." Livinder added helpfully to Jackson.

"Why do you have to meddle in everything? You cant let the Werewolves do one thing?" Sam snapped as Livinder looked around to Aberelle for help.

Sam sat with crossed arms, mirroring Feverous natural pose. He couldn't help himself. Everything the sixth year said made him want to punch a wall.

"Uhm...Sam do you have any ideas?" Tilderin asked.

Sam glared at Livinder who tried to avoid his gaze.

"We could release him into the woods, it would be fun. They say humans are the best game." It was completely out of character and out of line, Livinder now pleaded to Aberelle for help.

"You seem to have an issue with Livinder. Why is that?" Ferverou asked when the Head Boy struggled to say anything.

"It was a joke." Sam tried to reel in his emotions.

He had not slept again, he couldn't remember the last time he'd had a full night's sleep. Constant ringing in his mind of his task and the sound of clocks ticking away whatever time he had left in this body, kept him from truly finding rest. He was on a knife's edge, ready to fall from the tip or tempted to impale himself and get it over with.

"No it wasn't. I should have you punished." She spat, causing Sam to fire up again.

Ferverou was Elliot's sister. She looked nothing like him, she was white and tall and thinner. She had nothing but anger in her eyes and not in the way Elliot did, his anger was passion- hers was duty.

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