[ 1 - national anthem ]

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HANDS SLID ON the soft material of her brown pants

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HANDS SLID ON the soft material of her brown pants. The white shirt was fresh out of laundry, and Clytemnestra added a hint of an elegant perfume. Ready to go eat breakfast with her parents, she left the room, carrying a small purse.

As she walked into the dining room, her gaze was met with both of her parents. Bacchus - Clytemnestra's father, was reading a newspaper, while her mother Trivia was sipping on a juice with a rather bored facial expression.

However, Trivia's face brightened up once she saw her only daughter. "Clytemnestra! I'm glad you're awake," She declared. The girl sat down with a gracious smile, her eyes scanning the whole table.

Their maid was simply too good to be a maid. But at the end of the day, maybe Delphine liked the Michel family if she prepared a whole table filled with nutritious food.

"Ah, Nestra," Bacchus put away his newspaper. "Ready for today?"

If they wanted a real answer, Clytemnestra would say no. Mentoring in the Hunger Games. For the first time, the tributes were to be assigned mentors. Twenty-four of the Academy's best and brightest seniors had been tapped for the job. The specifics of what this entailed were still being worked out. There was talk of preparing each tribute for a personal interview, maybe some grooming for the cameras. Everyone agreed that if the Hunger Games were to continue, they needed to evolve into a more meaningful experience, and the pairing of the Capitol youth with the district tributes had people intrigued.

But her parents wanted only one answer, so she gave it to them, "I've never been more ready."

Trivia's smile was replaced with a satisfied grin, "I'm glad. Remember that you don't need a tribute from One or Two to win." She said.

Clytemnestra nodded, pouring herself a glass of lemon water. She knew one thing - this time, she will beat Coriolanus Motherfucking Snow.


Clytemnestra was dropped off at the Academy by her father. He was the one to project the whole building, after all. She climbed the staircase leading to the main Hall slowly, but with ease, heels clicking with every step.

As Clytemnestra walked inside the Academy, she was met with Avoxes moving through the crowd with trays of posca, a concoction of watery wine laced with honey and herbs. This was one of the first things Clytemnestra disliked about the Capitol - maids without tongues.

Clytemnestra lazily grabbed a glass, and wandered around the Hall, trying to spot her best friend - Lysistrata Vickers.

Instead of her, she quickly found Festus Creed. She was also good friends with him.

In fact, she was friends with everyone (except for Coriolanus and Arachne) in her class. Everyone respected her not only because of her parents' occupations and achievements but because she could be the smartest. She thought that being the smartest made her the strongest.

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