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~ Tropic Gold


Flame and I went back to the hotel about half an hour ago, some of our group are still on the beach. But neither he nor I really wanted to stay there. I let the redhead go first in the shower because Nathaniel wanted me to call him. Which I am doing at the moment, "how are you?" I ask him. While I sit cross-legged on my bed, "better than before, Sam and Mary are really nice. How is Spain?" he asks quietly, I smile. "Really nice, I'm glad you're well." I stare at the bathroom door and hear the gentle stream of water from the shower, "when are you coming back?" asks Nath, tearing me out of my thoughts, "tomorrow we're flying back around noon and will be back on Saturday morning. Are you sleeping at Sam's or did he drop you off at Alessio's?" I ask, "no, I'm at Sam's. I'm sleeping in one of his sons' old bedrooms, but I wanted to come over to Alessio's." My cousin explains to me, "okay, can we do that on Sunday? Flame said he'll show me the club on Saturday." My gaze lands on the bathroom door again, "oh... okay, Sunday, then. Who's Flame?" he asks, I lick my lips. "He's a friend's brother," I explain to him. I can almost see his grin through the phone, "is he hot?" he asks, at that moment the redhead steps out of the bathroom in just boxer shorts. His hair is still wet, drops of water run down his chest and drip onto the floor. My eyes follow them and I would love to lick them off his skin. "Snow?" comes through the phone to my ear, "what? Oh... yes, yes he is," comes over my lips. "Your type? Or rather mine?" he asks, as far as I remember, Nath has always been like that.

He has never hidden or denied who he is, he is open-minded and a little crazy. But in a lovely way, "Nath, don't even think about it..." I sigh, because I know Nathaniel is quick to make decisions. And not all of them are always good, also because his taste in men is similar to mine. Nathaniel sighs, "oh come on, I'm just asking. But important topic, how are you?" he asks, I know the worried tone in his voice all too well. "I'm fine, I've settled in." I say while I watch Flame. He slowly moves towards his bed, "cool, San Diego is really nice too. Better than South Dakota, I think." I laugh quietly, "that's because you grew up in South Dakota, Nath." Nathaniel laughs, "maybe, I'm looking forward to seeing you again. See you on Sunday, I'll let you pack now." He says, I grin. "Okay, thanks, see you on Sunday." We both hang up, and I look at Flame, who is already dressed again. "How is your cousin?" asks the redhead, "good, he's feeling fine, I think." I admit, Flame nods slightly and starts packing his bag. "What did you talk about?" asks the older one casually, "oh... well, about a few small things. He asked me if he should date someone and what the two of them could do." I lie, Flame nods. "And? What did you advise him? Something you like to do on dates?" he asks me, I laugh dryly. "I've never been on a real date, so I told him to just do whatever he wants." I say as I get up from my bed, "I thought you were with Reed?" Flame asks, I sigh, "Yeah, but we never went out." I whisper, Flame looks at me. "Well, I'm going to take a shower." I walk towards the bathroom and lock the door this time.

After I'm done with the shower, I start packing my bag. "By the way, I made an appointment for both of us," says the redhead, "an appointment?" I ask confused, Flame laughs. "At the clinic for the test," he explains to me, I look at him quietly for a moment. "Oh... okay, when?" I ask, confused, Flame crosses his arms. "Saturday... at one o'clock," he says. He grabs his bag and puts it by the door. I nod slightly, "okay, why so short notice?" I ask slightly nervously, he turns his head towards me and grins at me. "Because I want to fuck you as soon as possible, is that reprehensible?" he asks bluntly, I press my lips together. My heart skips a beat, "ah... yes, that makes sense." When I think about it, I feel warm. His gaze is still on me while I continue packing my bag. It remains quiet for a while until Flame breaks the silence. "Unless you don't want us to do that..." I raise my eyes and look at him, he sounds a little different, tense. "Yes, I'm just nervous about the blood test, I hate needles." He nods slightly, "I'll be with you." He says quietly, I force a smile. "Thanks..." I whisper. A wave of disgust washes over me as I think that Reed and his dealer might have infected me with something.

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