1. To Unexpected Reunions

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For as long as I can remember, I was raised in the shadows, my path laid out before me. A predator amongst the elite, my beauty was my weapon, and my mind, my sharpest tool. Controlled to follow orders, to kill when necessary. The Red Room helped form and mold my skills into what they are now by training me into an elite assassin, a killer, a spy.

Over the years of being a widow, I had endured a relentless training regime, perfecting my skills in close-quarter combat under the tutelage of the Red Room. Wearing the skintight black suit, I had engaged in countless sparring matches with fellow Widows, trading swift and precise blows with a fierce determination. And each time, I would defeat the other fellow Widows in those sparring matches, proving to be one of the strongest widows in the organization.

All that training leads me to now. To this specific mission for the Red Room. To infiltrate a society event run by the one and only Tony Stark.

I know what you're thinking. They're stupid for sending you to infiltrate TONY STARK'S society event. But hey, we have to follow orders. Plus, I was trained well, I'll be able to pull it off.

I walk through the hall, scanning the room with all the elite guests here. I blend into the crowd of people wearing a nice dark green gown, with my newly red dyed hair styled into curls, and a nice coverage of makeup to make myself less identifiable.

As I can the room, my eyes dart to a door marked 'Private.' I knew what was beyond that door, and I needed it. I move through the crowd of people, my eyes fixated on the door.

As I arrive at the door, I look around to make sure no one was looking, before opening the door. Before I can even close the door, a guard looks up to me before slowly standing up and pulling out his gun.

"You shouldn't be here, please leave," he says.

"Not until I have what I want," I reply, walking towards the computers in the room.

The guard, who now is aiming the gun at me, repeats his words. "I told you, you need to leave."

I take a deep breathe before taking out a knife hidden from under my dress and throwing it towards his throat, the blood drowning out in seconds. He falls to the floor, holding his neck before taking his last breaths.

"Well now that that's cleared." I talk to myself as I walk closer to the computers, hacking into them to download the information that the Red Room needs.

As the download starts, I'm suddenly pulled away from the computers. I turn around to see a fist flying towards my face, which I manage to dodge in time. That's when I can see the persons face.

A girl with fair skin, green eyes, a muscular build, and most obvious of all, gingery red hair. I immediately recognise the girl. An old friend of mine...

"Natasha..." I whisper.

Only then did a glint of regret pass my mind, but I knew what I had to do.

"Katerina don't do this."

"I'm sorry Nat. But orders are orders."

I throw the first punch at her rib cage, but it is unfortunately blocked. That was lead to multiple more punches along with multiple kicks from the both of us, with more than half hitting Nat.

We continue throwing punches and kicks, leading with blocking and dodging, until I manage to see an opening to one of Nats dodges, where I manage to swipe Nats legs from under her, making her hit the ground with a thud.

I quickly rush to grab the downloaded files from the computer before running out of the door, until Nat swept her legs under mine, causing me to fall on the ground with her.

"*ты становишься слабым" she says before she sprays a red chemical to my face, releasing me from my mind control from the Red Room.
(*you're getting weak)

I blink for a couple of seconds before looking at Nat who just stares at me.

"What the hell was that?" I blurt out.

"Red dust. It helped free you from Red Rooms mind control."

I look at her before sighing.

"You're already classed as a traitor. You don't want them even more on your back for doing this...." I pause. "That's why I'm going to help you free the other Widows."

She smiles for a moment before looking down.

"What's wrong Nat?"

She looks up to me. "Yelena. I need to find her so I can free her from that hell."

I smirk. "Good thing I know where she is."


Nat follows slowly behind me as we walk up an alleyway to an empty house, our guns aimed and ready to attack if needed. Nat lowers her gun, and unlocks the door using her picklock, before opening the door slightly and walking in first.

We both scan the rooms of the house, with our guns still aiming. Natasha spots an opening doorway and turns and nods towards me.

"So are we going to talk like grown ups?" Nat says as she turns around the corner of the doorway, meeting eyes with Yelena who also aims her gun at us.

"Is that what we are?" Yelena replies in her thick accent.

I follow behind Nat as she walks towards Yelena, both of us now aiming our guns at her and hers back to us.

"Put it down, before I make you," Yelena orders.

Nats quick to reply. "You put yours down."

We continue to walk towards her as she walks backwards.

Next thing I know, Nat reaches for Yelena's gun, and Yelena for Nat's, as they swap places, keeping eye contact. It happens once more, before the two start fighting hand to hand.

Yeah I'll just leave them to it. They just need to catch up that's all. I'll just stand back.

And that's what I did, as they both grabbed and pulled and punched each other. That was until Yelena threw Nat into the wall then ended up going after me.

Luckily for me, Nat had pulled down some curtains and had wrapped them around Yelena before she could attack, although I was so ready for it.

Yelena grabbed the other end of the curtain and had wrapped it around Nat as well, as they both tug on each other with the curtain. With the excess material Nat had, she wrapped it around Yelenas mouth, making her struggle for air, before throwing her on the ground, herself with Yelena.

"Now Kat!" she yells, as I grab a vile of the red dust and spray it to Yelena's face.

Moments later, Yelena releases her grasp on the curtain, calling a truce with Nat. Nat too releases her grasp, as they both get up from the ground.

"*ты вырос," Nat says, breathing heavily to get her breath back.
(*you've grown up)

"**ни хрена," Yelena replies.
(**no shit)

"***ну, приятно воссоединиться всей семьей, но нам пора возвращаться к работе," I say after a while.
(***well it's nice to reunite, but we have to get back to work)

Yelena looks at us in confusion, switching from me to Nat every few seconds, waiting for us to respond.

A/N: Okay, I tried to make this a long(ish) chapter to begin with, however I feel like I started to trail off a bit so I had to end it where it is. This is my first draft of this so it may not be the best. I'm going to try and fit most of the Black Widow main moments into the first few chapters, before we get to see Bucky, as I really want to make it a slow going into the relationship between them both.

Also I apologise if the translation is wrong for the speech, I'm using google, and it's not entirely correct 😭

If anyone has any different ideas for future chapters, I would love to hear them :)

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