One night thing

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As we stormed into the safehouse, I couldn't contain the torrent of anger and frustration bubbling inside me. "Holy shit, Liam, I thought you were supposed to be my goddamn bodyguard!"

I didn't wait for a response, my words pouring out in a rush of curses and accusations. Liam tried to calm me down, but his attempts fell on deaf ears. All I could think about was the alarm blaring in my ears, a constant reminder of just how screwed we were.

"You're supposed to be protecting me, not dragging me into more fucking trouble!" I yelled, my voice echoing in the empty foyer. But Liam just stood there, his expression unreadable. "Would you just shut the fuck up for one goddamn minute?"

His words caught me off guard, but before I could respond, he was already storming past me, his footsteps echoing in the silence. I followed him into the living room, my anger still simmering beneath the surface.

"You're unbelievable, Liam. I can't believe I ever thought I could trust you." But instead of answering, Liam closed the distance between us, his lips crashing against mine in a desperate kiss that stole the breath from my lungs.

For a moment, I was too stunned to react, too caught off guard by the sudden shift in his demeanor. But then something inside me snapped, and all the frustration and tension of the night came crashing down.

With a growl of frustration, I push him against the nearest wall, my hands tangling in his hair as our lips meet in a desperate frenzy. My body pressed against his.

Breaking the kiss, Liam trailed heated kisses along my jaw, nipping at my earlobe before whispering against her skin. "I've wanted to do that for so long, wanted to feel your lips on mine, your body against mine." His breath was hot against my ear, his words sending shivers down my spine.

His teeth grazing the sensitive skin of my neck, his hands roaming possessively over my body. He cupped my breasts, his thumbs brushing over my peaked nipples through the fabric of my dress, causing me to let out a soft moan. "Liam, please," I whispered, my head falling back to grant him better access. "Fuck little bird, you taste so good" he growls sinking his teeth into my shoulder leaving bite marks.

I cried out, my fingers tightening in his hair, urging him on as he lavished attention on my sensitive flesh. His tongue swirled and flicked, driving me wild as I head fell back, exposing the long, delicate line of her throat. Liam took full advantage, marking her with hungry bites and wet, open-mouthed kisses that had her squirming and breathless.

Liam's fingers found the zipper of my dress, deftly lowering the zip, his breath hot against my skin as he knelt before me. He dragged the fabric down my body, baring me to his hungry gaze, his eyes raking over her naked body with blatant appreciation.

"No panties huh?" I gulp hearing him chuckle at the sight "the dress was silk, I didn't wanna risk pantie lines" I realized how stupid I sounded but when I looked at him he was laughing silently before kissing my inner thigh.

Liam stood up sitting me on the couch, his hands gliding down my stomach before he went lower, his fingers finding the wet heat of her core, slipping between her folds with ease as her body betrayed its own need. "So wet for me," he growled, his thumb finding her clit, circling it as his fingers pumped into her slick heat. "Are you always this responsive, little bird" he chuckles listening to my moans as he pumps his fingers in and out of me.

"Liam just fuck me already.." I beg. His free hand reached down to stroke his throbbing cock through the confines of his pants. "I want to taste you first, want to feel you come apart on my tongue first little bird."

With that Liam's fingers continued their relentless assault on my aching clit, his thumb delving into my soaked core as he lowered his head, his tongue replacing his fingers. I cried out, my hips bucking as he lapped at me, his tongue a wet, wanting brand as he devoured me with a passion that matched my own.

"Holy shit!" I say loudly feeling his tongue inside of me, my hands brushing through his hair. He suckled my sensitively clit, his fingers plunging deep inside me, curling and stroking as he found that spot within me that had me screaming his name. My orgasm hit me like a freight train, a screaming, shaking release that had my body bowing off the bed, my juices flooding his mouth as he drank me down.

Liam savored my taste, his own need spiraling out of control as he continued to flick his tongue over my sensitive bud, prolonging my release. I squirmed, my body's sensitive and my mind spinning as the aftershocks of my orgasm.

But Liam was far from done. He stood, quickly shedding his own clothes, his hard body a testament to his own need. His cock, thick and veined, bobbed with each step as he climbed onto the bed, his eyes never leaving mine.

He loomed over me, his mouth finding mine in a hungry kiss as he positioned himself between my thighs. I felt the broad head of his cock nudge at my entrance, the stretch and burn as he began to sheath himself within my tight cunt.

moaning into his mouth, my legs wrapping around his waist, my heels digging into his lower back as he sank deep inside me. Liam growled, his hands gripping my hips as he began to move, his hips snapping as he thrust into me with urgent, powerful strokes.

Our bodies moved in sync, a tangle of limbs and heated skin as they sought their release. Liam's mouth trailed hot, open-mouthed kisses down my throat, nipping at the sensitive skin as he pounded into my pussy, his balls slapping against my ass with each deep thrust.

"Oh, God, little fucking perfect," he groaned, his eyes clenched shut as he buried himself to the hilt, his body driving me into the couch with each powerful stroke.

I cried out, my head thrown back, my breath coming in short, ragged gasps as I clung to him, my nails digging into his shoulders, marking him as mine. "Liam, more...harder...I want you so much," she panted, my body urging him on, my muscles clenching tight around him.

Liam's control snapped, his orgasm tearing through him with the force of a hurricane. He cried out, his body convulsing as he spilled himself deep inside me, his hips stuttering as he pumped his release into my waiting heat.

I followed him over the edge, my body clenching and releasing around him as my juices flowed, my scream of release filling the air as our passions collided.

Collapsing onto me, Liam kissed me breathless, his body damp with sweat as he slowly withdrew, our pleasure spent for now.

"God damn your body is fucking perfect..." Liam says before he got up and put on his clothes "to bad this is just a one time thing..." he says picking up our clothes from off the floor. "I'm going to go shower and then run you a bath and after we can cuddle if you want. Tomorrow we can forget we ever did this but I'm not leaving you tonight" he says before leaving the room.

A peice of me wishes it wasn't a one time thing. A part of me wants more. But the other knows that's he's an asshole and is nothing more than my government babysitter.


Word count: 1300
My first ever smut scene, I hope I did good.. I thought it was good at least 🤷🏾‍♀️

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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