Like nothing ever happened.

31 10 15

"Good morning, welcome to Pep In Your Step. My name is Carla, what can I get for you today?"

"May I have a medium caramel latte with three extra shots of expresso? Sorry" I yawn. Wishing I got more than three hours of sleep last night.

Universal Business Association requested a blank contract a few weeks ago, and I blindly accepted. I was so focused on my side project. My brain was on autopilot when it came to everything else. The plan was to wake up in enough time to cancel. Fake an emergency but when I saw who the meeting was with. I got my ass up and fought to look like something. UBA is the face of all things business, to assist them would be a tremendous feat.

"Long night?" The barista asks.

"You can say that. It was my first night in my new apartment and I was too tired to set anything up." I respond with a polite chuckle.

"Been there before. Here this one is on me" she replies handing me my drink with a smile.

"Are you sure?" I question, fully alert at this point

"Yes, I get two freebies a day. And I don't know. I just feel like you deserve a free coffee." She laughs.

"Thank you" I smile, placing my twenty-dollar bill into the tip jar.

Everyone in Cainsville is so fucking nice. I don't know how to feel about it. My car didn't want to start this morning. Three people approached me asking if I needed help. My new neighbors offered to help me put my furniture together and got me a gift card, as a welcoming gift. Erica would have thrived in a place like this.

"Wait this is too much," Carla yells, to catch me as I head for the exit.

"You felt I deserved a coffee, I felt you deserved a tip."  I smile as I walk out the door and make my way to the UBA building up the street.

I must admit, I am a little nervous. UBA is a big deal. They're the definition of business. Real estate, construction, consumer products and goods. The list goes on for pages. For them to request my assistance says a lot about the work I've been putting out, but it also scares me.

Standing in front of the building I double check the address on the email. For a company of this magnitude, I expected to see a 10 or 20 story building, covered in glass windows. Not a historical mauve- clay brick building with stained glass windows and black trim. I love it. It's like an old paper factory. When I opened the door my love for this building increased ten folds. The walls are works of art. It looks like someone is blowing black smoke and its flowing from wall to wall.

"May I help you? Hello? Ma'am?"

"Uh, oh I'm sorry. My name is Zyla Doe, I'm here for a 10:30 appointment." I reply, walking over to the reception desk a little embarrassed. I zoned out for a second.

"Mr. King just walked into the conference room. You can follow me. I'm Mikaela." She responds walking me down the hall.

"Nice to meet you, Mikaela. I love your dress," I engage in small talk.

"Thank you! My girlfriend bought it. Although she's going to forget I exist when you walk in with that dress on. But it's fine, I forgot about her too, for a second." Mikaela laughs and shrugs

"Is it too much? Should I have gone with pants?" I question nervously. I thought all my pants made my ass seem three times bigger and I didn't think it would be appropriate. So, I settled on a floor length, black, body coon dress. Simple and modest. Or so I thought.

"Too much? No love. It is perfect. I was saying you look great. Don't worry, you will get used to how we are soon." She smiles opening the door to the conference room. "Ms. Zyla is here" she introduce

Zyla The True LionessWhere stories live. Discover now