A taste of his side pt2

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Deep into the mind, darkness and destruction follows. The death of all who bleed the same blood will fall by the hands of the destroyer. He who holds the fire eyes will put an end to all of our lives. Without the light the darkness will come.

Standing outside of the cabin smoking my cigar, looking out at the sky as the wind cools me down. It's been a long time since I've blacked out, I've gotten good with controlling my anger. I can't allow that to happens again. If I break beyond control, the last 13years of my life would have been for nothing. Luckily, I snapped back.

"We are all set to go," Maxi calls out as she takes a seat in the backseat of the car.

"Are you good?" Chris asks as I approach the car.

"Yeah, let's go" I take a seat in the car and begin to gather my thoughts. I need to figure out away to explain everything without running Zyla off. For the first time in my life, I fear something. The connection we've built means more to me than i thought it would. I can't lose it. I can't lose her.

"Want a shot?" Maxi pulls a bottle of Bourbon out of the side mini fridge. Wincing as if she has more bad news to add to my pile of bullshit. I see there's no limit to it today.

"What is it?" I grab a glass off the mini bar rack before taking the bottle from her and filling my glass. Maxi and I have been best friends since we were 12. I know all her tells.

"Nothing, I'm just wondering if you know how you are going to tell her? Because she is pissed. I believe she deleted your name out her phone, and just hit space." She laughs entirely too hard at the last part.

Without saying a word, I just look at her. Why would any of this be funny. Zyla could break my mental by cutting me off and Maxi is laughing herself to tears. Just when I think she's done, she starts back up laughing again. I believe she wants to walk or find her on way back to the city.

"I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at Zyla. I swear. She was talking a lot of shit that night. I asked her why,  she said, and I quote " I text- nothing. I call-nothing so his contact Nothing. And to think I was going to add him to my favorites. That's a big FUCK NO now " end quote. Like I said she's pissed." Maxi giggles

"That's why she didn't respond to my text the other day." I sit back in my seat taking a sip from my glass.

"Alanis she invited you over for dinner and you didn't respond until the next day. Asking for a rain check. You know that was her version of asking you out, right? If we didn't work together, you would be blocked." Maxi sits up and looks at me with eyes filled of disappointment and irritation.

"I don't remember that message or replying" I state going through my phone. Damn! Maxi was right she did ask me. I wasn't in my right mind when she asked because I would have been there. Even if I had to hire some guards to watch the building, I would have gone.

"You hurt her feelings, and I still want to punch you in the face just thinking about how sad she looked the next day." Maxi rolls her eyes

"What am I supposed to do? I got the message, but I don't remember it. I've never cared to be on anyone's good side. How do I fix this? Feel free to chime in Chris. " I reply filling my glass, wondering when I did I finish the first one. I only remember taking a sip.

"I find it's best to have uncomfortable conversations with food and drinks." Chris advises

"How do I get her to sit down with me?" I ask

"Ambush!" Chris and Mikaela both state and laugh once they realized.

"She wasn't fond of the first one, the second hurt her. Why would I create a third?" I inquire. Concerned about their train of thought. Something isn't connecting. It's like they want me to traumatize her more.

"What happened to her was a set up. She was stalked and followed. You can take that off the list. The first one worked for you so well, she still speaks about it." Maxi adds making me feel better about asking them

"I was going to say the same. I think she likes that you had the balls to do what others never tried. Maybe she gets away with cutting people off, because they let her. Don't let her." Chris also redeems himself with the break down.

"Zy, is the girl version of you. Understanding but very headstrong. What you say won't be an issue as long as it's sincere, and the truth. Making the conversation happen is the hard part. You guys can be very stubborn." Maxi explains, holding her empty glass out.

I know they're right, talking to her won't be the problem. But I still worry about what the end result would be. She may understand but decide to keep her distance from me. We've talked before and as new as me wanting someone is, her even considering liking someone is newer. I don't want to spook her.

I've been in relationships that never made me feel the way she does, and we aren't anything: I find myself randomly thinking about the things she's said or done, and it puts my mind at ease. I've never met a person capable of calming my thoughts with just their presence.

It's funny how the world flips. I just told Zyla, she has to learn to talk to me. And here I am worried about talking to her. After checking my email I sent her a message, advising a car will be picking her up. Work emergency. Project 77 is on hold, though we all can address the issue in the morning. I know she can find a solution on her own within minutes.

I can't go to bed tonight with the information I have and not tell her about it. The few minutes I got to see her earlier wasn't nearly enough. Attitude and all, it was good seeing her up and moving. Acting like her normal self. Her golden brown skin glissing in the light

We dripped Maxi off first and then i had Chris pull into the car port. I'm driving myself to the office. Now that everything is settled, we can get back to business as usual. And it's been a while since he's made it home before the sun comes up. I know he could use some family time.

First stop was to my place, I had to grab the gift I had premade for Zyla. I was trying to find the perfect time to give it to her and that time is now. Then to Wingbuds to grab her favorite quick eats and caught Best Bakeries before they were closed. Got a dozen strawberry lemonade cupcakes made fresh.

Once in the building, I turn the heat on because I know she hates being cold. Set up the food and put some firehouse on ice in my office. First time feelings require first time actions. I'm going to open up my life to her. Zyla let me in hers, exposing her truth. I must do the same. I know that couldn't have been easy for her.

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