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This work thing isn't so bad. I mean waking up early is bullshit. I don't like that part at all. It doesn't matter what time I go to bed. I never want to get up when I have to, but I like having someplace to be. I'm starting to enjoy being around people and not just the ones I work with.

It's only been a month and I'm ready to accept the job. Forget about waiting the full six weeks. I get along with everyone. The work is all around amazing. I'm learning so much and a making a real name for myself. Also, I want to buy a XL fluffy chair so I can stretch out and work at the same time. Sitting all day makes my ass hurt and the chair cost too much to come out of my pocket. It's more than my rent and that's pretty damn high.

"Team meeting in 5" Mikaela announces through the intercom. I grab my coffee, laptop, phone and head into the conference room.

These past few weeks has healed me in ways I never knew I needed. I really thought I was content with being alone.  And somehow Erica squeezed her way in, and my life felt full. I didn't need or want anyone else in my life. Not for a permeant spot at least.  Then she was taken, and I slowly realized. I was no longer content with just myself. I felt so empty and lost.

Now I have more people than I can count on one had. For most that may not seem like a lot but for me it's everything. I was 30 minutes late today and they blew my phone up. Not because I was needed but because I'm never late. They were worried about me. I have people. That's something I never thought I'd say.

"If I see that car in the parking lot one more time. I'm getting it towed" Mikel walks into the conference room talking shit as usual.

"I was late onetime" I roll my eyes

"You've been warned" he says taking a seat next to me.

"Do it and I'll let a cricket loose in your super cluttered office" I turn and smile

"Petty," he gets up and moves to another chair

"Extremely," I smile from ear to ear.

"He's in a mood." Mikaela says rushing into the room with maxi. Quickly taking a seat.

"Why?" Mikel asks

"Cainsville medical botanical garden" maxi replies quickly placing her head down when Alanis walks in.

"CMBG was up for contract, and I hear about it after they've been purchased" Alanis fast paced in the room

"It wasn't public knowledge" maxi explains

"Are you upset that we made the purchase or that you didn't know it was a possibility?" I question beyond confused as fuck.

"I said it was purchased. Not by us!" He yells

"But we did purchase it, so what's with the aggressive tone" I ask, eyes squinting brows furred.

"Zy, be specific" Micaela helps.

"You gave me a 2.1-million-dollar final decision fund. I used that to buy the contract from up under the Jameson Corporation. I had to accept a few demands, but they were acceptable so i did.

"Which were?" Alanis finally takes a seat

"They didn't want to displace any employee they have. I didn't, and to be honest why would I. They dedicated all their time to get what we want to invest in. And I agreed to allow the same free inventory of good they give out twice a year." I slide the signed contract over to him

Had no idea he was that invested in them. I knew it would be a great buy considering they own a lot of Natural living stores. I personally wanted them because one of the businesses they gift free inventory to is Lovely's. Without that gift they would not be able to stay open and I need them to. When I was sick or hurt and couldn't afford much of anything, I'd go there and get the free med bags. They help a lot of people and that needs to continue.

Zyla The True LionessWhere stories live. Discover now