My guy

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I wake up cradled in his arms, snug in bed. I can't believe I slept, let alone cuddled up, the whole time. If I were sleeping alone, I'd be on the other side of the bed practically hanging off. I glance over at the clock on the wall to check the time. It's been a while, since I've slept till noon. I feel so refreshed.

I got my B and R patch just in time. The  sheer intensity of our first interaction rang a major alarm. The few seconds it took for him to put on protection felt like hours. And he was actually smooth with it, but my brain was screaming grab'em. Roll the dice. You only live once. Which is a lie, we live every day.

I'm not sure if he felt my patches or just didn't care but that true skin to skin was damming. We both knew it the second it happened. I'm no mother but I could have been one last night. I can be reckless at time but not that reckless. I noticed he had on an R-patch still clear. It was only right to showcase mine as well.

I softly remove his hand from around me placing it on his side. I then slither out the bed on to the floor. Trying my hardest not to wake him but I need to use the bathroom bad. My bladder is seconds away from forgetting I was ever potty trained. I rush to the bathroom and empty my bladder.

Once finish I walked to the sink to wash my hands and then my face. One of my eyes are golden today the other is still green. They've been changing a lot lately. It randomly happens a few times a year but now they can change in days, weeks and now hours. This is why I wear my contact lenses. Just imagine talking to someone with brown eyes, you blink, and they are fucking purple.

"Good morning" Alanis walks into the bathroom kisses me on the cheek and proceeds to piss as if I'm not in the bathroom.

"Good morning, would you like the bathroom?" I laugh in disbelief

"No." He walks over to the other sink to wash his hands. He places two towels in a compartment on the counter, grabs his toothbrush, toothpaste and continues on with his routine.

"Oh, ok" I stand there awkwardly brushing my teeth. Why does this feel so weird to me. Last night in the shower was expected, this is- I don't know.

"Hot towel?" He asks pulling one out from what I can now tell is a towel warmer. I nod yes with a mouthful of mouth wash.

"Thank you?" I reply once I'm able and minty fresh, I grab the towel and lay it on my face for a few minutes. To open up my pores. I can hear the shower start and Alanis get inside.

I walk back into the bedroom hoping my purse is in here. The contacts I have are so drying I have to drown them and my eyes in Tessan Solution before I can put them in. I grab my purse off the dresser and start prepping my contacts. Once I see them sink to the bottom of the bowl. I walk back into the bathroom to rinse my eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks watching me pour an insane amount of solution in my eyes.

"Yes, contact prep." I turn my head to get a peek at him. Wishing I was the drop of water sliding down his chest.

"Ok, I left the shower running for you" he grabs a towel out of the closet to dry off.

"Thank you," I walk past him into the shower. Allowing the water to cover me from head to toe, massages every muscle in my body. I need something like this in my apartment.

My morning routine took a lot longer than it usually does. I didn't want to get out the shower and Alanis had the room so toasty when I got out. I didn't want to get dressed. But regardless of that I got myself together and slipped on a fitted, spaghetti strapped dark orange maxi dress.

I walk out of the room down the hall admiring the art on the walls. He even has Von Kils painting of the crying girl. This has got to be one of Von's best. Everyone focuses on the tears in her eyes but not the fearless passion behind them. She wasn't sad, she was angry. I've been there before. Where I've been so mad I cried. That's a deadly feeling.

Zyla The True LionessWhere stories live. Discover now