Listening party

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Smut chapter 🔥

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Smut chapter 🔥

Zolani had just finished getting ready for her big entrance. She had been at the venue a couple of hours early to make sure everything went smoothly and was placed how she wanted it.

It's her first listening party and it needed to be perfect. All her colleagues, close friends and family were going to be there to listen to her first full length album. Since she started her career she's put out singles and a few ep's along with mini albums. But this time she had a full length one and she was damn proud of it.

'Tunnel Vision'

The literal definition meaning : defective sight in which objects cannot be properly seen if not close to the center of the field of view.

But her deeper meaning behind it being: often disapproving, a tendency to think only about one thing and to ignore everything else.

All those that focused on the fact that shes a female doing a male dominate career.

Those that focused on the fact that she's black in a Korean country doing music.

Those that focused on the fact that she was not your normal beauty standard in Korea.

Those that focused on her being more curvier and darker skinned than other artist  in the kpop industry.

She made this album to hit all those topics and showed how she had this many differences or this many challenges to face while doing a career on her own and still made it. Look where she is now and where those people are.

Her family was always supportive of her and her decision to become an artist, a solo artists at that. Being African American and in a society where you will always be different or treated less than because of the color of skin will always be difficult. Adding the spotlight and country where there is so little of your own culture makes it so much harder.

They were scared and very concerned of Zolani's mental health in being out there all alone and away from her family. Especially after she was attacked time after time when she debuted.

" She's too dark to be in korea, why isn't she singing some soul or something? Wouldn't she be better in cultures music? Why isn't she doing music with her own kind?"

These comments tore her down and made her self doubt and overthink, question her talent and overall worth.

But as she little by little the real fans, her true fans supported her, congratulated her, showed her love and respect and affection.

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