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The night progressed with the two lovebirds spending the night together. They spoke and laughed. Danced the night away. It was a dream in reality. Nothing too perfect, but believable. They tired each other out and stood swaying softly. Arthur rested his head on Francis's shoulder; Francis had his arms wrapped around his waist.


"Yes Francis?"

"Remember when we first met?"

"Of course you idiot how could I forget. It was on that one site."

"PopUncover was is?"

The Brit nodded and recalled the memory with the Frenchman. It was their freshman year. New hopes and dreams ready to blossom. Arthur walked into the school building, another dreadful day. Yes dreadful. Where a fresh milestone was ready to be one of the best ones was one of the worst ones for him. Starting middle school seemed to be a worst milestone too.

"Let's hope I can manage the day." he mumbled to himself as he went to his locker.

Arthur went to a chain school, so everyone he knew from elementary and secondary lived with through with him to his highschool life...If they didn't transfer that is. He wouldn't say that he was depressed, but just down in the dumps. He was let down, put down by his peers and was casted aside as it. Harm and death was the last thing on his mind. He just wanted to get through each day of taunting and humiliation.

Francis in the other hand has a fairly normal life. he has friends and acquaintances. His school life was just as any other person, but there was something in his life that seem to bug him. He didn't have someone to cherish.

"Franny come on! We're going to be late!"

The Frenchman looked over at the Spaniard and smiled, giving a soft laugh before shouting a reply. He ran over to him and tackled him just enough for him to stumble. Everyday was simply another day. An everyday.
It was when the both of them were home and doing their homework when their life changed unexpectedly. Doing a research project, the both of them were of course doing their research when a ad pop up appeared on their screen. PopUncover. They were going to just close the ad, but two words caught their eyes.

MISSING caught Francis's. UNDERSTAND caught Arthur's. The ad went as said.

PopUncover let's you connect with people who feel the same way like you. People who feel like they're missing something. People who want others to understand. People who need mutual help from live people across the globe.
The two clicked and was brought to the site. Meeting several people before stumbling across each other. They clicked instantly, whether if it was the words they exchanged or their reaction to each other. They were what they were looking for.

"We finally got to create a private chat room for ourselves because it was a pain to find each other again." said Arthur, "Then we moved onto our first video chat."

Francis chuckled as he remembered his reaction to seeing Arthur for the first time. He remembered what ran through his mind when he saw him.

Mon Dieu he's cute.

Francis stared at his screen, gazing at the other. The Brit had a surprisingly cute face. Round, but yet lean at the same time. He was magnificent. And maybe the one he was looking for. At the same time Arthur was going through his thoughts to. The other was surprisingly handsome. It's a surprise that he's single, with a face like that it'll be hard to stay single. He is awe fully charming as far as he experienced. The two were brought back to Earth and they laughed nervously. It was their new beginning.

"-you bugged me for days on end to get a snapchat because I wouldn't give you my number."

"How else was I going to keep in touch with you without a computer?" smiled Francis.

"And you sent such ridiculous photos of you and your friends." said Arthur looking up.

"They like you, made me really happy to hear that. The three of you may get along."

"I doubt it." huffed Arthur, "But..I was wondering. When did you decide that you loved me?"

"I guess..."

It had been a good 4 months since their first appearance to each other and a good 7 months of chatting. The time went by making life easier for Arthur and refreshing for Francis. Within those 11 months of getting in touch, his love for Arthur grew after their 5th month of speaking. Seems weird to be falling in love this fast, but better than those married at first sight reality TV shows. Like really that must be difficult.

Francis always bounced with joy when he got a call or answer from Arthur. The other making him overjoyed with every second they spent together. They talked about their day, their problems and soon after they'd be conversing on the strangest of topics like ice cream flavors, gardening fertilizers or even foreign things such as celebrities and weird traditions.

"Soon enough our conversations evened out." said Francis.

"But I always catch us going way off topic..I don't stop it though, it feels nice talking about something else." replied Arthur.

The two blonds stared at each other and smiled; they still couldn't believe that they'd be in each other's arms. And their first kiss in a place like this. Showing people that they had true love. That they truly love each other and have a bond that nobody but themselves could break.

"Arthur? Would you let me meet your parents?" asked Francis.

"A-After prom? I would yes" he replied, "That reminds me. How DID you get here? Did your parents actually send you? They know about us??"

"No, but let's say I had help from a certain Redhead who absolutely cares about you more than he likes to admit." chuckled Francis.

Arthur's eyes widened as he knew who Francis was talking about. Allistor. He flew all the way to France to get Francis. He glanced down and smiled. He does care more for him than he admits.

"How about we leave after one last dance." said Arthur smiling widely.


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