And they lived...

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"Francis! I'm almost done with lu-"

"You didn't tell me you were making lunch!"

The Frenchman rushed down the stairs to the kitchen; Arthur was at the table with a knife in hand. The reason why Francis rushed down so quickly was because Arthur...Isn't the best chief there is, yes he was adequate, but sometimes he could make a mess out of the meal and kitchen. Arthur looked at a breathless Francis confused.

"Well I thought a nice surprise would be nice." he said.

Francis panted before smiling, a laugh emitting from him as he leaned on the doorframe. The Brit smiled softly and giggled, setting the knife on the table to walk over to Francis. The two had moved into together once things were settled. Arthur had decided to moved over to France, so Francis wouldn't feel sick leaving home. Although it was rough for Arthur to leave his parents, he always promised to visit and call them which he did. Sometimes they'd come visit him.

"Yes, a surprise is nice. That was a surprise." said Francis looking over at Arthur.

"Well, then set the table." Arthur said, "I'm finishing up."

The Frenchman got up and went over to the cabinets, getting out dishware and utensils for themselves; he walked over to the table and got them put in place. Arthur smiled as he brought their lunch over; Francis went to help him bring it over, setting it on the table. The two of them then sat down and began to eat. Their life was content. Francis's friends often came over and hung out with them, it was a pleasure to have some time with them even if they did go far sometimes.

"Your brothers are doing alright?"

"They're fine. Allistor finally got himself a girlfriend," grinned Arthur, "It's about time."

They've been together for about 6 years, relationship still going on strong. A few bumps in the road of course, not every relationship is perfect. They've rode over them though, their love bounded strong by the times they've spoken all those years ago.

"It's almost Gilbert and Eliza's 2nd year anniversary" said Francis smiling, remembering the day when his albino friend finally had the guts to ask the brunette out.

Arthur smiled and nodded his head. It was quite a while until their anniversary, every year just got better and better. Francis always knew just what to do to bring him back to his teenage years. Heart fluttering, knees weak, body overflowing with emotion. 

Francis glanced up at the ceiling. Anniversaries...That brings him back, but what was on his mind was a proposal. They've been together for about 6 years and every year just made him joyous that they made another year together. And since they've lasted that long, maybe they can...Spend forever together.

"So many couples." said Arthur, "Antonio and...Kiku didn't last long did they?"

Francis frowned, "Non sadly, and they were cute too."

Antonio and Kiku don't like to discuss what happened between them, but they moved on happily and still stayed in touch. They just don't converse as much. But happy to say that Antonio is with a guy named Lucas, who in a sad way is similar to Kiku. And Kiku is crushing on someone, but is yet to make a move, maybe he'll never. The Japanese man isn't much of a one to take action so suddenly.

"Some relationships don't always work do they?"


To know that a relationship can break, that the memories they made go down the drain to haunt them for as long as they're alive. That was one of their biggest fears. Francis gave a soft smile as Arthur did the the same. The two blonds locked eyes and gave a small breath.

"They're happy."

"We're happy."


8 years into their relationship, the two were visiting England of course to visit the Kirkland family. The three older brothers came back to their parents place to reunite as well. The small gathering was chippy. Sibling rivalry and in law meetings running around the house. Francis laughing with the now 8 year old Peter.

"Oi Francis." called Allistor as he approached him.

Francis looked up and smiled as he saw the redhead. That man. If not for him, all of this wouldn't be happening right now. The blond stoop up and stretched, replying to the other.

"Oui Allistor?"

"C'mon, if ya wanna do this then this is your chance."

The Frenchman gave a court nod and slid his hand into his pocket as he went to talk to Arthur. The family was currently at an outing with the family's friends and relatives. Francis went and caught up to Arthur who was talking to a relative.


"Hm-Yes Francis?"

"Walk with me for a few."

The bushy browed teen stared at him with an arched brow, but complied. Francis beamed as he walked with his lover. The Frenchman instantly striked up a conversation starter as to not seem suspicious. Arthur instantly falling for it and replying back to each sentence given. It was then when Francis slowed down in his tracks and stopped, Arthur still walking unconscious to the sudden stop in the other.

"Arthur." smiled Francis, hand coming out of his pocket.

"-ing-Yes Fra-..." trailed Arthur as he turned around.

Arthur's eyes widened and he swore he felt his heart skip. His cheeks grew red as he stuttered speechless. There Francis was on one knee with a black velvet box in hand. A smile decorating his face as he looked up at the other. Allistor gave a whistle, his other brothers following along. The Brit looked around him, his family and others staring. His face grew hotter, fire engulfing him whole.

"Arthur?" said Francis once again.

"Yes?" replied Arthur, voice cracking.

"Will you, Arthur Kirkland, be the only one I need in my life." started Francis, "Will you be mine to hold, to kiss, to forever love..."

Tears brimmed his eyes and he covered his face. His family and their friends watching with grins, some cheering Francis on. Francis chuckled softly before continuing.

"Arthur Kirkland will you marry me?"

Those 6 words hit Arthur hard as he started to cry quietly, nodding his head as a reply. The Brit shook as he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. Francis rested his chin on top of Arthur's head as he quieted him down. The crowd cheered, even bystanders gave their claps and cheers to the now engaged couple.

Francis moved back and took Arthur's left hand, slipping the ring onto his finger. Arthur stared at it with a trembling smile. Allistor smiled as he watched his younger brother and soon to be future brother in law. His girlfriend came up to the redhead and grinned.

Francis leaned down and kissed the other; Arthur wrapped his arms around Francis's neck kissing back. The cheers grew louder as flashes of cameras snapped pictures. Moving apart the two blonds stared at each other, eyes shining and hearts pounding. Their lips parted and face flushed.

"I love you Francis."

"I love you Arthur."

...Happily ever after.

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