Fluff Night

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As seeing the Kirkland household only had room for each family member with the exception of the twins sharing a room and Arthur's parents, Francis spent the night in Arthur's room. Francis offered to sleep on the couch instead, but Mrs. Kirkland insisted that he spend a night with Arthur with his brothers supporting their mother. With a blush Arthur lead Francis back to his room.

"I can sleep on the floor Arthur," said Francis as he sat on the bed, "A pillow and a blanket will do."

"I refuse. I'm not letting you sleep on the floor, you're the guest and I'm the host. It will be terrible if I allowed you to sleep on the floor." said Arthur as he went over to his closet to change.

Francis raised an eyebrow as he wondered what Arthur has in mind. The Brit mustered up all of his courage before stripping his shirt off of him to change. His face red reaching his ears. Francis chuckled at the sight of his back, he wasn't even shirtless yet. He was still wearing his tank top. 

"Oh Arthur, there's nothing to be embarrassed about~" cooed Francis, "It's only the shirt, just wait until you have to change your pants."

"Trousers." corrected Arthur turning around.

The green eyed teen perked up and quickly turned away into his closet, grabbing a shirt quickly and changing into it. His shaky hands reaching down to pull his pants off. Francis rolled his eyes and laid down onto the bed.

"I'm not going to do anything, so change." said Francis,

Arthur nodded and pulled them off, feeling exposed in front of Francis. His heart picked up speed as he went and changed once more. Francis chuckling as he watched him. A dork he is indeed. The Frenchman laid on his back as the other approached the bed.

"My clothes are too small for you I am presuming, so you'll have to sleep in those."

He sat up and looked at him, "Oh it's no worries. A few layers off won't hurt."

It took Arthur a minute to process what he heard and what was happening. Francis right there was stripping right in front of him. His fingers unbuttoning his suit and dress shirt, undoing his tie and slipping them all off. He set them next to the bed before he went and slid his pants off. Arthur's heart dropped as he saw the other near the point of being bare. His eyes scanned him unknowingly by his mind, catching Francis's eyes as his sight focused on them.

"You like?" grinned Francis.

The Brit flushed dark red as he covered his face, ears burning along with his cheeks. Francis laughed softly as he sat on the bed, leaning over and grabbing his wrists. Arthur looked up and smiled softly. This is a part of what he had wished for.

"Come now, you're tired aren't you?" Francis asked, "I'll turn off the lights."

Getting off of the bed the Frenchman went over to the light switch and stood there to wait for Arthur. The bushy browed teen slipped into bed before the other turned off the lights, walking over towards the bed to slip in as well. The weight of the bed evening out with two people on either side. Their face facing each other. A soft smile on Francis's face as he gazed at Arthur. Arthur's face still burning at how close they are to each other.

"Bonne nuit Arthur." whispered Francis, his hand shyly wrapped around Arthur's waist.

His breath caught in his throat as he was pulled closer, his face right next to his chest. Arthur's arms wrapping around Francis's shoulders, grip clinging to him as he buried his face into his chest. Thoughts ran through his mind as he stayed quiet.


"Yes Arthur?"

"I love you."

Francis smiled and closed his eyes as he spoke, "I love you too Arthur."

Those words made both of their hearts calm down. It's going to take awhile to hear those words, but it was something that was going to be a part of their everyday life. The two laid there in silence, taking in each other. Their legs intertwined as they were pressed against each other. As sleep over came them, their eyes started to droop, but not before a small whisper could be heard from Arthur.

"Good night Francis."

(A shorter chapter I know, but I have plans for the next 4 final chapters)

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