| The Discovery

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The Great Hall buzzed with the excited chatter of students reunited after a summer apart. Draco Malfoy sat at the Slytherin table, his eyes occasionally darting towards the Gryffindor table where Harry Potter sat, surrounded by friends.

Draco's mind kept drifting back to the box of unsent letters hidden in his dormitory. The weight of his secret felt heavier than ever, each letter a reminder of his inner turmoil.

As the feast progressed, Draco's attention was drawn to a commotion near the entrance. He watched as owls swooped in, delivering letters and packages to the students. One particularly large owl caught his eye—it bore the distinctive markings of the Hogwarts postal service.

Curiosity piqued, Draco wondered if perhaps one of his letters had been mistakenly sent. He dismissed the thought as absurd but couldn't shake the unease that settled in the pit of his stomach.

Minutes passed, and just as Draco began to relax, the owl approached the Slytherin table, its eyes fixed on him. Whispers erupted around him as his fellow students noticed the unusual delivery.

With a sinking feeling, Draco extended his arm as the owl dropped a sealed envelope onto his plate. He recognized the handwriting immediately—it was his own.

Heart pounding, Draco opened the envelope, his eyes scanning the familiar words that spilled forth. It was one of his unsent letters to Harry, detailing feelings he had never dared to voice.

Panic gripped Draco as he realized the implications of this discovery. How had his private letters ended up in the hands of the Hogwarts owl service? Was this a cruel prank or something more sinister?

Across the hall, Harry Potter glanced in Draco's direction, his expression unreadable. Their eyes met briefly before Draco hastily folded the letter and slipped it back into the envelope.

The rest of the feast passed in a blur for Draco. He couldn't shake the sense of dread that clung to him like a shadow. What would Harry think if he knew the truth? And more importantly, what would this revelation mean for their already fragile relationship?

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