| Harry's Reply

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The following morning, Draco sat in the Great Hall, the usual clamour of breakfast sounding distant as he picked at his food. His thoughts were consumed by the letter he had sent to Harry the previous evening. Every rustle of parchment and flap of wings made his heart leap, anticipation and anxiety twining together.

As he reached for his pumpkin juice, a familiar owl swooped down and landed gracefully in front of him. His breath caught in his throat as he recognized the snowy owl—Hedwig. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Draco untied the letter from Hedwig's leg, his fingers trembling slightly.

The envelope bore Harry's untidy scrawl. Draco opened it carefully and began to read.

Dear Draco,

Thank you for your letter. I appreciate your honesty and the courage it took to write it.

This whole situation is new for me, too. I've spent so long seeing you as an adversary that it's strange to think of us as anything else. But your words have made me realise that there's more to our story than rivalry and conflict.

Like you, the war changed me in ways I can't fully explain. It forced me to see the world in shades of grey instead of black and white. And in those gray areas, I've found that people can surprise you—sometimes in the best ways.

I don't know what the future holds for us, but I do know that I'm willing to find out. Maybe we can start by talking, getting to know each other without the weight of our past hanging over us.

If you're open to it, I'd like to meet somewhere private where we can talk without interruptions. The Astronomy Tower, tonight at eight?

Thank you for reaching out, Draco. I look forward to seeing where this new path takes us.



Draco's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and hope as he finished reading Harry's letter. The invitation to meet was more than he had dared to hope for.

The day passed in a blur as Draco counted down the hours to their meeting. As the clock struck eight, he made his way to the Astronomy Tower, his steps quickening with anticipation.

When he arrived, Harry was already there, standing by the window and looking out over the moonlit grounds of Hogwarts. He turned as Draco approached, a tentative smile on his face.

"Hi, Draco," Harry greeted, his voice warm and welcoming.

"Hi, Harry," Draco replied, feeling a sense of calm wash over him. "Thank you for meeting me."

Harry nodded, his green eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and openness. "I'm glad you came. We have a lot to talk about."

As they stood together in the quiet of the Astronomy Tower, Draco felt the weight of his fears and doubts begin to lift. In that moment, surrounded by the stars and the promise of a new beginning, he knew that this was the start of something profound.

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