GLANCE 'A' brand necklace!

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Jungkook's fingers closed around the item. It was a pendant, a delicate amalgamation of the BTS initials, lay in Jungkook's palm. Upon closer inspection, the intricately engraved names of each member shimmered with an understated elegance.

It was crafted so beautifully that Jungkook couldn't help but admire it. "Look at this, hyung. It's so beautiful and elegant."

RM leaned in, his eyes scanning the pendant with a mix of curiosity and admiration. "This has got to be worth a fortune!" he blurted out, his eyebrows arching upwards as he turned the pendant over in his hands.

Then, his expression shifted to one of sheer astonishment. "This is GLANCE 'A' brand!!!"

GLANCE, a titan in the industry birthed merely a few years prior, now dominated the entire business realm. To date, it had unveiled five illustrious brands: BCD, EK, LR, SW, and XYZ-each a symbol of status and opulence.

The affluent and elite deemed it a matter of prestige possess products from the GLANCE 'EK' line. The 'BCD' brand, known for its scarcity, commanded astronomical prices, soaring to the stratosphere.

Every item bore a price tag in the millions, if not billions. Merely months ago, the 'BCD' brand had released a diamond ring that fetched a staggering $97.3 million at auction-a testament to its sky-high demand! Yet, an 'A' brand had never graced the market.

Jungkook let out a disbelieving chuckle, shaking his head. "Hyung, that can't be right. A GLANCE creation, and an 'A' brand at that? Such a thing doesn't exist anywhere on this earth!"

Dr. Lee, who had been observing quietly, finally spoke up with a tone of certainty. "RM speaks the truth, Jungkook. This pendant is, without a doubt, a GLANCE 'A' brand treasure."

The smile that had been playing on Jungkook's lips vanished as he met Dr. Lee's earnest gaze. Rising from his seat, he reclaimed the pendant from RM, his own eyes ballooning with shock and a dawning realization as he scrutinized the piece.

"Heavens! It truly is an 'A' brand pendant! How can she afford something like this?"

RM, still caught in his initial shock, continued to stare at the pendant now back in Jungkook's grasp. "Might it be a counterfeit?" he pondered aloud, his voice a whisper of doubt.

Dr. Lee, with a confident nod, reassured them. "It's authentic. I've checked." He paused, taking a sip of water before continuing, "Now, the enigma remains-if GLANCE has indeed unveiled its 'A' brand, why has it escaped the media's gaze, And how did she come to have it?"

Jungkook slumped back into his chair, his mind racing with questions. "This just keeps getting more and more intricate."

RM pondered the implications. "If her family is that wealthy, could they possibly overlook the accident?" His eyes sought answers from the two men before him.

Dr. Lee's response was tinged with uncertainty. "I'm not so sure about that."

After a moment of silence, Jungkook spoke up with a suggestion. "Maybe we should apologize to her first, before reaching out to her family."

RM and Dr. Lee exchanged glances and then nodded in agreement, the weight of the decision settling in the room.


In the spacious hall, Jimin was seated on the floor, the glow of a laptop illuminating his focused expression. The low table before him held the device like a modern altar, while behind him, Suga and J-Hope lounged on the couch, their silhouettes bathed in the screen's soft light.

The rhythmic clatter of keys punctuated the silence, a testament to their productivity.

Without shifting his gaze from the laptop, Suga's voice broke the quiet, a note of satisfaction in his tone. "It's going well," he remarked, his plam resting on jimin's shoulder.

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