who is she?

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Jungkook's gaze swept over his hyungs, a smug smile playing on his lips as he reveled in the impact of his revelation. The satisfaction was clear in the triumphant arch of his brow.

Their collective enchantment with the necklace was abruptly interrupted by the piercing chime of the doorbell. With a swift stride, Jungkook approached the door, swinging it open to reveal a young man, his features strained with urgency.

"Oh! Mr. Kang, you're here. Please, come in," Jungkook greeted him, stepping aside with a welcoming gesture.

J-Hope, quick to pick up on Mr. Kang's knitted brow, voiced his concern with a furrowed forehead. "What brings you here in such a hurry, Mr. Kang?"

Mr. Kang's voice trembled with the weight of his news. "There's been an issue, sir! Haven't you seen the latest article about the concert?" he asked, his eyes darting anxiously between the members.

Jimin, his expression a blend of confusion and confidence, reassured him, "We just did. It's all going well, with everyone abuzz about Jungkook's girlfriend and #whoisshe? trending at the top!"

But Mr. Kang was not swayed, his polite demeanor underscored by a note of seriousness. "Yes, sir, but that's not what I'm referring to," he clarified, prompting a deeper concern.

Suga, his desire for clarity evident, leaned in. "Spell it out, Mr. Kang." He demanded succinctly, his gaze piercing.

With a sigh that seemed to carry the weight of the world, Mr. Kang relented. "Sir, a certain female idol is facing a barrage of hate and attacks on social media by ARMYs," he revealed, the gravity of the situation hanging heavily in the air.

Upon hearing this, Jimin's fingers flew across the keyboard, his search for articles fueled by urgency. True to Mr. Kang's words they discovered that female idols who had previously worked with Jungkook were now targets of vitriolic comments.

Suga's reaction was visceral, his voice rising in a mix of anger and disbelief. "What the fuck is going on!" The air was thick with their collective dismay.

Jungkook's eyes remained fixed on the screen, as if he had anticipated this. "I think it's time for the next step," he stated, his expression solemn yet determined.

"Don't worry, Mr. Kang," Jungkook continued, his voice firm with resolve, "We'll turn this in a teachable moment for our ARMY. The ordeal you faced won't be repeated."

Jimin's voice was sincere as he added, "We're truly sorry for the distress you've experienced, Mr. Kang."

Mr. Kang, however, shook his head, his voice embodying a gentle firmness. "Please, don't apologize, sirs. It wasn't your fault, and it's not fair to blame the entire ARMY. Many Army are actively defending those female idols against the hate,"

He pointed out, his words a reminder of the positive side of the fandom.

Suga's smile emerged, one of genuine admiration. "And we are immensely proud of Those ARMYs," he acknowledged, his pride in their fans evident.

Jungkook's gaze was unwavering, his instructions to Mr. Kang clear and resolute. "Go and make a post stating that my girlfriend is NOT a K-pop idol," he directed.

"Yes, sir," Mr. Kang responded, and with a nod of understanding, he turned and departed. Mr. Kang's departure left a contemplative silence in his wake, the members absorbed in the weight of the recent revelations.

The quiet was suddenly broken by Jin's voice, filled with surprise as he entered the hall with RM. "Oh! You all are gathered here already!" he exclaimed, his eyes sweeping over the group.

RM, with a thoughtful expression, made his way to the couch and settled in beside Jungkook. "How long do you plan to stay here?" he asked, a hint of concern in his tone. "Hasn't the construction of your new villa finished?"

Jungkook offered a nod, his face a mix of resignation and practicality. "Yes, it's completed. But organizing my belongings will take some time, and our schedule is packed. I'll just stay here a bit longer," he explained, his voice betraying a hint of fatigue from the relentless pace of their lives.

Jungkook had taken up temporary residence in the company's building, his days filled with teaching dance to new trainees. A few months ago, when strange parcels began arriving at his place, he had made the decision to move here for safety.

Jin's curiosity then turned to another member of their group. "When is Taehyung coming back?" he inquired, looking around the room.

Jimin, who had been following the conversation closely, replied without hesitation, "He'll return tomorrow, hyung." His statement was matter-of-fact, a simple truth amidst the complexity of their lives.

As soon as the fan meeting had concluded, Tae had jetted off to Tokyo to immerse himself in the world of fashion, his presence at the event as much a statement as the clothes on display.

A moment passed before RM spoke again, his gaze fixed on Jungkook with a mixture of concern and resolve. "Are you planning to visit that ARMY girl in the hospital tomorrow?" he asked.

Jungkook's nod was firm, his decision made. RM, satisfied with the response, continued, "Okay, then tomorrow I'll send the fake identity we've prepared for the ARMY girl. Use that to fill out the hospital form."

"Okay, hyung," Jungkook agreed, his voice low but resolute. The plan was set, and with it, a path forward was charted, one that would navigate the delicate balance between their public personas and the private lives entangled with their fame.

Suga's expression shifted, a single eyebrow arching in question. "Why a fake identity?" he probed, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern.

RM's response was tinged with a trace of frustration. "Because we haven't been able to discover who she is," he admitted, the annoyance at the situation evident in his tone.

Jimin's bewilderment was clear as day. "What do you mean by that, hyung?" he asked, seeking clarity amidst the confusion.

With a sigh that seemed to carry the fatigue of countless sleepless nights, RM elaborated, "It means she wasn't captured on any CCTV camera, nor is she on the list of attendees from the fan meeting."

Jungkook's voice, colored with a hint of enigma, added to the mystery. "It's as if she appeared out of nowhere, and now nobody knows who she is!" he said, his words hanging in the air like a riddle waiting to be solved.

J-Hope's murmur was soft, almost to himself. "It sounds familiar," he said, a distant look in his eyes.

Jin, with a slow nod, echoed the sentiment. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," he agreed, his mind seemingly piecing together a puzzle from the past.

Jimin's gaze was locked on the necklace cradled in his palm, his thoughts deep and introspective. "Destiny is playing with us," he mused, the irony not lost on him.

"We tasked ARMY with finding out about Jungkook's girlfriend, which is now trending as #whoisshe, and now destiny has handed us the same task-to find out who the ARMY girl is." He paused, his eyes lingering on the necklace, the symbol of an enigma they were all entwined in.

"Who is she?" he whispered, the question more than a query- it was a challenge to the fates.

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