she woke up

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In the hushed tranquility of the VIP ward, Jungkook sat perched on the edge of a plush couch, bathed in the gentle embrace of the morning sun.

The rays filtered through the window, casting ethereal shadows that adorned him like a halo, an angelic presence in the soft luminescence. His gaze remained fixed on the girl lying there-a stranger, yet somehow not.

Her complexion, a stark contrast to the crisp white of the hospital pillow, bore the pallor of worry that had not yet faded. A faint furrow of concern etched itself between her brows, a silent testament to the battles waged within. The room, sterile and unyielding, resonated with the mechanical rhythm of the ventilator.

Jungkook had come to complete the hospital forms, not knowing that good news awaited him. The doctor informed him that last night there was movement in her body-a sign that she might soon wake up from her coma.

This possibility promised to dissolve many looming problems effortlessly. No fabricated identities would be necessary, nor would there be any dread of the media uncovering the accident.

Yet, uncertainty clouded Jungkook's mind. How would she grapple with reality upon waking? The unanswered questions about her past attempts to escape life's pain lingered heavily in the air. What if she had attempted suicide just because he had confessed his love for someone else?

As he watched her, a faint movement caught his eye. It was subtle, but to Jungkook, it was as if thunder had rolled through the quiet room. Her lips parted, a muffled sound escaping them, a wordless plea that tugged at his heartstrings. Her head turned from side to side, a silent refusal of some unseen nightmare. Her brows furrowed, etching lines of distress across her forehead.

He leaned in, drawn by a force he couldn't explain, his ear close to her lips to catch her faint words. "No... It can't be... No..." The distress in her voice was palpable, her body squirmed, a physical manifestation of her inner unrest.

Without a second thought, Jungkook reached out, his arms enveloping her in a gentle embrace. "Shh..." he soothed, his voice a soft caress against the sterile backdrop of the hospital room. "It's okay. You're safe. Everything is fine now." His words were a gentle caress, a promise of protection.

His words seemed to weave a spell of tranquility, and slowly, her body ceased its restless movements. Her expression softened, the lines of pain and fear smoothing away as she drifted back into the depths of unconsciousness. Jungkook held her, his own heart aching with a mix of relief and an inexplicable sorrow.

In the quiet of the room, the tension slowly dissipated as she found her peace. Jungkook, who had been a silent sentinel by her side, stood up, his movements gentle so as not to disturb the tranquility. He walked back to his seat, his gaze drawn to the world outside the window. The city was waking up, but his thoughts were elsewhere, tangled in a web of what-ifs and maybes.

The sudden chime of a notification sliced through his reverie, pulling him back to the present. He reached for his phone, the screen lighting up with a message from RM. The words on the display told him the fabricated identity for the girl was ready. Now, it was time to fill out the form with this persona.

He acknowledged the message, knowing the gravity of the steps he would have to take next.

Before he could sink further into his concerns, his phone rang again. It was Taehyung. In the early morning, Taehyung was back from his trip to Tokyo. After learning about the accident from Jimin, he decided to accompany Jungkook in the hospital. But still, he was not here. Maybe he was tired.

However, Jungkook's response was curt, a reflection of his inner turmoil. Slipping on his earbuds, Jungkook answered, "I was waiting for you."

Taehyung's voice came through, a stark contrast to Jungkook's somber mood, "I have something to ask you."

Jungkook's eyes narrowed at his words, but still, he had to hear him. His reply was brief, a single phrase that carried the weight of his current state, "Go ahead."

"What should I buy for the army girl?" he asked, oblivious to the gravity of the situation.

Jungkook felt a twinge of frustration at the question. Was he out of his mind, or did Jimin forget to tell him that the army girl is in a coma!

With a weary hand, Jungkook massaged his temple, the beginnings of a headache throbbing behind his eyes. He wasn't in the mood for explanations or to delve into the absurdity of the question. His mind was already burdened with concern for the girl's unique condition, a mystery.

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook sought to end the conversation swiftly, to refocus on what mattered. "Apple," he replied tersely, a single word to close the topic.

"Apple?" Taehyung's playful voice echoed, seeking confirmation. He was not ready to close the topic!

"Yes," Jungkook affirmed, his patience fraying at the edges.

A sigh traveled through the line. "Ah, shoot... I forgot to bring my credit card. After buying apples, I won't have any cash left."

Frustration crept into Jungkook's tone. "I have one, you can use mine."

The conversation shifted to logistics, but Taehyung's playful tone persisted, even as he navigated the crowded terminal. "Which ward is she in?" he asked, his voice a blend of concern and mischief.

"23," Jungkook replied, his tone firm, trying to anchor himself in the reality of the situation.

"Are you staying there?" Taehyung teased, his lightheartedness a stark contrast to Jungkook's solemnity.

"Yes," Jungkook answered, his voice betraying a hint of defensiveness.

Taehyung's laughter echoed through the earbuds, a sound that seemed out of place in the quiet of the ward. "Oh... huh..."

Jungkook's anger flared, a sharp edge to his words. "Why? Is there a problem with that?"

Realizing his misstep, Taehyung's tone softened. "No, no. Of course not."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Jungkook pressed, his voice a command more than a question.

"I'm coming, man, I'm coming," Taehyung assured quickly and hung up the call before Jungkook could become more angry.

Looking at the phone screen, Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung must be in high spirits after meeting his girlfriend in Tokyo. He exhaled deeply and turned back to the girl, her peaceful visage a silent rebuke to the chaos of his emotions. He glanced at the girl one last time before leaving the room.


Collapsed on the cold, unforgiving floor, the girl was a portrait of despair. Her head buried between her knees, each sob that shook her frame was a silent testament to the agony that gripped her.

Tears, those silent harbingers of sorrow, streamed unchecked down her cheeks, each one a drop in the ocean of her grief. Her breaths were stifled sniffs, each inhale a battle against the crushing weight of her heartache.

She clutched at her chest, where the pain was most acute, as if trying to hold together a heart that felt like it was splintering into a thousand pieces.

Summoning a strength that seemed at odds with her shattered poise, she rose. The corridor around her was a blur, a sterile expanse that stretched endlessly before her. With trembling limbs, she compelled herself to move forward, her footsteps a hollow echo in the quiet hall.

Sweat mingled with tears, tracing lines of anguish across her skin. She fought to regain control, her hands wiping at her face in a vain effort to banish the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

Her descent was hasty, a flight down the stairs driven by a need to escape the turmoil within. The basement, dim and foreboding, was her refuge, yet even there, peace eluded her. Without warning, the stark glare of headlights invaded her vision, a car materializing from the void, hurtling towards her with relentless speed.

"AHHH..." The scream that tore from her lips was primal, a raw expression of terror. Her breaths came heavy and ragged, slicing through the stillness as her eyes, wide with fear, struggled to comprehend her reality. The room snapped into focus, its clinical coldness a stark contrast to the warmth of life.

Nurses and a doctor clustered around her bed, their presence a jarring anchor to the world she wished to flee. Was this nightmare merely a figment of her imagination, or had her life twisted into a horror too real to bear?

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