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   Felix entered the house, it was a long day. He had to go undercover and talk to a gang leader which led to said leader getting a little too handsy.

   Of course, Felix couldn't do anything about it, it would completely blow the operation he was in. He couldn't have that because this person was the second biggest gang around and Felix would most likely never bring down the first.

   Felix barely got to move before hands where on his hips and he was being pressed against the table in front of him.

   "He touched you,"

   The younger took in a breath, he knew someone had been watching him.

   "It's fine. I'm almost done with his case,"

    Hyunjin hummed and kissed Felix's neck.

   "There won't be much of him to arrest, my rose. Not after I am done with him," Hyunjin whispered untucking Felix's shirt.

     The blond closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side, "I need to make the arrest, Hyun,"

   Hyunjin continued to unbutton Felix's shirt, "You will, I promise. I won't promise though that he'll be conscious or near alive, not when he touched what is mine,"

    Felix turned around, Hyunjin was jealous he could see it all over his features.

  "Who said I am yours, Hwang?" Felix questioned, undoing the buckle of Hyunjin's belt.

  Hyunjin pulled Felix into a kiss his hand tangled in Felix's blond hair. The kiss was almost bruising, maybe it was a little more than jealousy.

   Their breaths were heavy as they pulled away from the kiss. 

   "I did. My Rose, you wil be mine until the bitter end,"

    Felix smiled a little, he liked the sound of that, "Does that mean you'll be mine till then?" He questioned.

   "Yes. My heart and soul will forever be yours until the bitter end,"

   And it would be bitter end, because no house of cards would ever be stable on a foundation made of sand.


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