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       Felix walked into the building, smile on his face as he waved to security.

   "Hey, Lix, where did you go last night after that gala?" Minho asked once he caught up to Felix.

   Memories of Hyunjin dragging him to his car flashed, then what happen when they got to Hyunjin's private estate, "Ah, something important came up and I needed to leave,"

  Minho hesitantly nodded, his eyes caught a bruise near Felix's neck.

    "Did you get hurt? You have bruise... it looks like someone grabbed you," Minho's eyes narrowed seeing more of the bruise.

   Felix's face heated up, the tips of his ears red, "Ah, like I said something important came up," Felix said sheepishly.

   The older's brows raised, "That was from your boyfriend?" Minho questioned.

     "Uh, yeah..." that sounded wrong.

        "I know it probably isn't my business, but you are my friend and partner and Jisung's best friend... is your boyfriend hurting you?"

   Felix's eyes widened, "No, no, he isn't. Trust me... he wouldn't dare to do that, nor would he think to. He is actually very, very, gentle with me," he said.

   "So is he not gentle with anyone else?"

   The blond laughed a little, "Yeah, kind of. He kind of just has a soft spot for mean, not so much anyone else,"

   Minho nodded, "If it does suddenly change, let me know, he won't get off so easy," 

  Felix nodded. 

   He knew of course that, that would never happen.

  The day proceeded and Felix's mind wandered from work to Hyunjin to what they did last night. Felix had fingertip shaped bruises on his hips and on his left shoulder, then he had love bites all along his inner thighs, (probably a couple on his hips as well).

   He was sore all over, but he knew when he got back to the estate he would do it all over again. How could he not when there would be sweet words and gentle touches, it all made Felix melt. 

  It wasn't always Hyunjin initiating thing between them, in fact most of the time unless jealous it was Felix who started things.

   Their relationship wasn't always sex, sometimes it was just cuddling on the couch and watching movies; however, there was also a bit of a toxic side to it, especially because of what they did.

   Felix would protect Hyunjin no matter what and Hyunjin would protect Felix no matter what, but their jobs clashed quite a bit.

   A gang leader and an undercover spy meant to take gang leaders down, it caused tension in the relationship, especially when Felix goes undercover to galas to collect information, because most of the time he is hanging of other leaders and those leaders are touching Felix.

   It took quite a bit to not take out his gun and shoot everyone who touched Felix, but Hyunjin managed, but he was still angry and he still did something about it, mainly killing subordinates under the gang leader which caused tension and made Felix's job harder. In turn it caused tension between Felix and Hyunjin, which led to arguments and a bit of angry sex.

    Their relationship was a house of cards built on a foundation of sand and eventually it would fall. How? That is what the question that probably wouldn't be answered.

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