Remember them

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In some parts of this chapter, I got high of tiredness the first person to guess which part was it gets, umm... a follower idk anyway enjoy it bye
We must move quickly. We don't have much time. He didn't notice I mixed lotus in his wine.

"So he isn't an alcoholic?" Leo asked. (AN: Now I need a new word for 'asked') "I still think he is," Percy said

Mark my words now. This is not the end.
But captain, what do we do with our falling friends? Remember them When the fire begins to fade. For the falling and afraid we won't let them die in vain.
Remember them. We're the ones who carry on the flames of those who have gone. And our congress won't die in vain.

"At least he cares," Thalia said.

I need all our hands on this club. This is how we're getting out of here. Use your swords to sharpen its stub and turn it into a giant spear.
(Let's kill him)
His body is blocking the path.l, if we kill him we'll be stuck inside.
Captain, where do we attack him?
We got to stab him in the eye.
(yes sir!)
Remember them when the fire begins to fade

"Why isn’t he helping them lift this heavy thing?" Calypso asked. (AN: At this point, I'm just trying to do that they will say stuff)

for the falling and afraid we are not to let them die in vain. Remember them. We're the ones who carry on.

"No! He's really dead" Grover mumbled. "Well duh," Piper said "No but usually everyone can still be alive if you haven't seen their body" Grover crossed his arms disappointed

The flames of those who've gone and our congrats will not die in vain.
Who hurts you?
There are more of them
Who hurts you?

" How it/they/him/she didn't see that they were there?"

Who hurts you?
Captain, we should run
Who hurts you?
Captain, please.
It was… nobody, nobody, nobody.
If nobody hurts you be silent
Don’t go

"I feel bad for him," Piper said

Grab the ship and away we go.

"Hey it was a reference to that other song," Leo said.

Have you forgotten the lessons I've taught you

"No Mom, not the time," Annabeth said with a hand on her forehead

He's still a threat until he's dead. Finish it.

"Oh, I see how it is" Leo started singing "Rapunzel knows best, Rapunzel is so mature now, she's a clever grown-up miss." Leo started to sing.
"Fine if you're so sure now go ahead and give him this" Percy continued.
"This is why he's here don't let him deceive. Give it to him watch you see!" Will joined them.
"Trust me my dear this is how fast he'll leave you I won't say I told you so!" Grover joined.
"No, Rapunzel knows best, fine if he's such a dream boat go ahead and put him to the test!" Jason continued.
"If he's lying don't come crying" Rachel sang
"Mother knoWS BEST!!"
they all sang together, and all the girls+Nico-Hazel mouthed to each other 'wtf'

What good will killing do

"Wow, this is so not the moment Percy Laughed.

When mercy is a skill more of the world could use.

"I have a feeling that mercy thingy is going to hunt him forever," Rachel said "Shhhhh, you spoiling it," Nico told her. "How am I spoiling I haven't seen it either" Yeah but you the oracle you know everything." Leo said "I'm an oracle, not a mom, pepole" "Close enough" "What this-" "Look, Clarrise is getting pissed." He pointed at Clarrise who was leaning on the sofa hand. "Well duh gosh can't even watch a musical either you if this shit is two hours long then we will be here for 20 hours so now zip it," Clarrise said. "Ok sorry" Leo apologies and Thalia laughed at his scared look

My friend is dead

They all burst out into laughter "This was so tactless" (AN: am I using this word right?) Percy said between laughter. After they were done laughing they continued to watch.

Our foe is blind

Calypso heard Leo hold back his laughter "Don't" "Yeah don't worry I won't" Leo said to her almost dying from laughter.

The blood we shed never dries.
Is this what it means to be a warrior of the mind?
Hey, cyclop.

"Is he going to do something stupid?" Annabeth asked

When we met I led with peace

"He killed his sheep," Grover said

While you met your inner beast. But my congress will not die in vain. Remember them, the next time that you dare choose not to spare.
Remember them, remember us, remember me.

"He's going to do something stupid," Annabeth said

I'm the reigning king of Ithaca

"No why would he-"

I'm neither a man nor a mythical

"No, shut up"

I am your darkest moment.

"Don't do it"

I am the infamous

"No, No, No"


"Fuck! Why did he do that" Annabeth was disappointed in him "idk why he did what he did but you gotta admit he looked super badass." Percy said "True"
"Anyway, you can have a break after this song. "OK," Leo said and took a sip from his hot chocolate.
Don't forget they still eat until the end of this saga.
I'm planning to do something really stupid
Don't worry it's not evil

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