Chapter Three

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As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, the sky blushed with hues of soft pink and golden amber, heralding the promise of a new day. Captain Lorvil always practiced earlier than most of the men, as she bore more responsibilities as the Captain of the Royal Knights. With each dawn, she would be found on the training grounds, honing her skills and preparing herself for the challenges that lay ahead. It was a routine born out of necessity, for the weight of her responsibilities was greater than that of any other soldier in the kingdom. Suddenly disrupted by an envoy of the Crown Prince, Captain Lorvil was urgently asked for her presence, which led to an annoyed sigh. Sarkhan watched from afar, leaning casually against a tree with his arms crossed and spoke up, "The Crown Prince?" he inquired, despite knowing the answer. Captain Lorvil, busy gathering her belongings, confirmed his suspicion with a curt nod. "Yes," she replied tersely, her frustration evident in her voice. "Please inform Teivel that I won't be able to join him for training today." taking a last glance at Sarkhan before finally departing. Sarkhan watched as she walked away, sighing. "She's always taken advantage of by the Royal Family," glaring as he muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing with determination, "I'll protect her no matter what. Even if it'll cost me my life. I will never hand her over to that bastard of a Second Prince, Lioran is mine." His frown deepened, his eyes flickering from green to yellow—an ominous sign of the intensity of his emotions.

Arriving at the Crown Prince's bedchamber, Captain Lorvil bowed deeply. "I greet his highness the Crown Prince, Khonsu Axar Tariq." Prince Khonsu turned, his face lighting up with delighted surprise. "Lioran! You're finally here." He had a long and slender figure, and he looked younger despite his age. In comparison to Ishaan, someone might assume that Khonsu was the second child of the king, for he looked much younger and smaller. Though as he is the brother of Ishaan, they both had the same cobalt-blue eyes and curly hair, though his hair was shorter, framing his delicate face. He approached Captain Lorvil, his every step as delicate and elegant as a feather—taking her by the hand with a familiar ease. Leading her to the large balcony that overlooked the palace gardens from his bedchamber, he smiled warmly. "Come now, let us have ientaculum together." Despite the numerous times he had insisted before, Captain Lorvil still found it difficult to relax in his presence. She hesitated, but the prince's casual demeanor and genuine warmth always had a way of putting her at ease. Taking a seat opposite him, she allowed herself a small smile. The morning sun bathed the balcony in a soft, golden light, promising a moment of peace amidst the upheaval of their duties."Your Highness, I hear Prince Ishaan has returned victorious once more from war. It is undoubtedly because of your strategic plan that led to their victory. Congratulations," Captain Lorvil spoke up, her voice breaking the silence of the grand bedchamber. She hoped her words would lighten the heavy atmosphere that hung between them. Khonsu chuckled softly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Didn't I tell you to call me by my name when it's just the two of us?" he said, his bright blue eyes locking onto hers. "Say my name, Lioran," he urged gently, anticipation evident in his tone. Captain Lorvil hesitated, the weight of her duty pressing heavily upon her. As a commoner and a knight, it was her solemn responsibility to always show respect towards the Royal Family. Yet, time and again, Prince Khonsu had expressed his desire for casual conversation when they were alone. "Khonsu." she finally whispered, the name feeling both foreign and familiar on her lips. The prince's face softened, and he reached out to her plate, giving a slice of high quality cheese and olives—food only eaten by the highest class, something Captain Lorvil wouldn't have imagined eating when she was a poor, lowly commoner. "That's more like it," Khonsu chuckled, his tone playful and light. "You're the only one I can be myself with, Lioran. No one else understands how I feel." As Captain Lorvil poured him a cup of tea, she looked up and met his gaze. "I know that, Khonsu. I will try my best not to hesitate next time. It's just... I'm still getting used to how you treat me. After all, I am but a commoner who rose through the ranks with my swordsmanship." Khonsu's expression softened, a genuine warmth in his eyes. "Your skill and dedication are what brought you here, Lioran. Not your birth. And it's precisely because of who you are that I can confide in you." Lorvil smiled, her respect for the prince deepening. Despite the vast differences in their stations, Khonsu's kindness and sincerity had always made her feel valued. She took her seat opposite him, the morning sun bathing them in a gentle light, and for a moment, the titles and duties that normally defined their interactions seemed to fade away.

After finishing their ientaculum, Captain Lorvil soon departed, sighing as she pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation. Despite enjoying the Crown Prince's company, she couldn't shake the feeling that her goal was slipping further out of reach. Lioran had two reasons for getting close to the Crown Prince: to gain power by aligning herself with the Royal Family, and to find her missing mother, who had disappeared during the war when she was just a child. This had been her singular, desperate quest for many years. The warm interactions with Prince Khonsu, while pleasant, felt like a distraction from her true purpose. The ache in her heart reminded her that every moment spent away from her mission was a moment lost. She had to stay focused, no matter how tempting it was to enjoy the fleeting comfort of the prince's companionship. The weight of her responsibilities and the urgency of her personal mission pressed heavily upon her. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. The path she had chosen was fraught with obstacles, but she was determined to persevere. Her mother's fate depended on it, and Lioran would stop at nothing to uncover the truth.

In the distance, Disha Yadav searched earnestly for the gems and jewels that Ghelmon so desperately sought within the Kharijan kingdom. After she finished with her other tasks, she received a secret letter sent by Ghelmon to look through the gardens, and so she looked around—her movements, though careful, did not escape the keen eyes of Captain Lorvil. As Lorvil made her way back to the training grounds, her attention was caught by a maid wandering aimlessly in the garden. It was clear the girl wasn't tending to the plants; she had no gardening tools in hand. Suspicion pricked at the Captain's senses, prompting her to approach the maid with a commanding stride. "What are you doing there?" Captain Lorvil inquired, her voice firm and authoritative. The maid jolted in surprise, her face paling under the intense scrutiny. The Captain of the Royal Knights!? Disha thought, panic rising in her chest. How could she explain her actions in a way that would lessen the Captain's suspicion? Bowing deeply to avoid Captain Lorvil's piercing gaze, she stammered, "I- I am a new servant and got lost! I apologize if I interrupted your leisure walk, Captain of the Royal Knights!" Her voice trembled with fear. The thought of being caught so early in her mission was terrifying; she wouldn't be surprised if she was executed on the spot.

Captain Lorvil's suspicion did not wane easily. She scrutinized the maid before her, noting the foreign features and the awkwardness in her speech. "Indeed, you seem to be a new servant from a different kingdom. Where were you sent from?" Disha sighed inwardly with relief, grateful for the small reprieve. Keeping her head low, she replied respectfully "I-I am from Ghelmon, your grace... My family was slain in the war with the Kharijan kingdom. I-I was left an orphan and sent hither to the palace to serve as a humble maid." Though Disha was a spy, her story was rooted in truth. Captain Lorvil, despite her suspicions, couldn't easily refute the girl's claim. The Captain's gaze remained stern, but the hint of a softened edge appeared in her eyes. "Be sure you do not wander where you shouldn't, and perform your duties diligently," she commanded, turning to leave. Disha watched her go, her heart still pounding. She had narrowly avoided disaster, but she knew she would have to be even more cautious from now on. The mission was yet completed, and Disha was determined to fulfill her role, even under the watchful eyes of Captain Lorvil.

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