Chapter Five

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Countless battles had come and gone, each one testing Lioran's resolve and skill. With every victory, she surprised the crowd, who watched in growing amazement. Whispers of her prowess spread like wildfire through the stands. Was this the birth of a prodigy? they wondered, their excitement mounting with each successive win. Standing in the middle of the arena, breathless and covered in bruises and blood, but still remained standing. The crowd erupted in applause, their cheers reverberating through the arena. They had witnessed something extraordinary—Lioran had not only proven her worth but had also inspired awe and respect in everyone who watched. She had emerged victorious from every round, and in doing so, she had carved a name for herself that would be remembered for years to come. In that moment, standing under the weight of countless eyes, Lioran felt a sense of fulfillment. She had fought for her brother's honor, and in the process, she had discovered her own strength and potential. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but she knew one thing for sure: she was ready for whatever came next.

In the distance, a figure approached Lioran, his presence commanding and unmistakable in the Royal Knight's uniform. It was Teivel Aghard, the Vice-Captain of the Royal Knights. Lioran's eyes narrowed, her body tensing in anticipation of the new challenge. She held her head high, spitting blood onto the ground, her defiance palpable. Teivel Aghard halted before her, his gaze steady and appraising. "What is your name?" he asked, his voice carrying a mixture of authority and curiosity. "Lioran Lorvil," she replied, wiping the dirt and blood from her face with the back of her hand. Teivel watched her in awe. Never before had he seen such raw talent and determination. He knew this was a moment he couldn't let slip by. With a respectful bow, he drew his sword and handed it to Lioran, locking eyes with her. "Would you like to join the Royal Knights, Lioran?" he asked, his voice sincere and welcoming. A smile spread across his face, the sunlight catching in his emerald-green eyes and highlighting the strands of his brown hair. His sun-kissed skin contrasted against the blue and silver armor that had seen countless battles. Lioran looked at Teivel, her eyes bright with the realization of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The offer was irresistible, a chance she could not afford to let pass. She accepted the sword, her heart swelling with youthful confidence. "I accept," she declared, her voice steady and clear. "I will gladly become a knight of the Royal Knights!" Teivel's smile broadened, his approval evident. "Welcome, Lioran Lorvil," he said, a formal tone underscoring the warmth in his words. The crowd erupted in cheers, the atmosphere charged with excitement and admiration. Lioran felt a surge of pride, but also a sense of responsibility. This was more than just an opportunity; it was a call to prove herself and honor her family.

As Lioran returned victorious from her battle, she came back home with blood and dirt caked all over her body, and her clothes were tattered and torn from the countless sword clashes. Smiling proudly, she handed over the pouch of gold coins she had earned, her eyes shining with triumph. Her family, seeing the transformation in her, welcomed her with tears of joy and relief. They could finally live a life free from servitude and hardship.

Lioran spent her days training rigorously, her sword slowly chipping from the relentless practice and sleepless nights spent guarding the castle as a low-tier member of the Royal Knights. Despite the grueling schedule, she was content, willing to work harder if it meant growing stronger. One afternoon, blissfully laughing as Lioran sat down near a shaded area from a large tree, beside her was Teivel and a large man whose face was blurry but wore a bright and welcoming smile. The memory faded, pulling her back into the present where she continued her relentless training. The noble ladies watched from afar as Lioran went about her business, lost in the memories of her woeful past. In the next few days, the kingdom would celebrate the king's birthday, and people from all corners of the realm were traveling to the capital for the grand event. The air was filled with confetti and bright laughter. The kingdom of Kharijan, often envied for its boundless rich lands and admirable knights, was abuzz with excitement. Amidst the preparations and festivities, Captain Lorvil stood out. His good looks and slender physique caught the eye of many noblewomen, who admired him from a distance. Every woman in Kharijan dreamed of being wed to the noble knight, Lioran Lorvil, the Captain of the Royal Knights. Despite the admiration and doting glances he received, Lioran had never once mentioned marriage, his focus remaining steadfast on his duties and the protection of the kingdom. Each swing of her sword cut through the bitter memories of the past. Barely a sweat passes through her smooth skin, her movements were fluid and precise, each step light yet purposeful but as dangerous and powerful. She was no longer the weak and clueless girl but a powerful knight known for defeating the great dragon that had threatened the kingdom of Kharijan. That dragon had been none other than Sarkhan. As he approached her, Lioran's instincts kicked in. She swiftly pointed her sword at his neck, her eyes fierce and unwavering. Sarkhan, unfazed, met her gaze with steady eyes that hinted at concern. "You should rest, Captain," he said, his tone low and full of worry. Lioran glared at him before lowering her sword and sheathing it. "Why the concerned look, Sarkhan? I'm fine," she retorted, walking away to drink water from her jug. Sarkhan watched her, his concern deepening. "Pushing yourself too hard won't help anyone," he said, his voice following her. Lioran paused, the jug at her lips. She knew he was right, but admitting it felt like a weakness she couldn't afford. "I have no time to rest. I must continue my duties as a knight of the kingdom," taking a glance at Sarkhan with her fiery yellow eyes, "and I'm not someone you can take care of simply out of worry, I am the Captain." she replied with strong resolve, more to herself than to him.

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