Chapter Six

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Ishaan sat in the dimly lit room, his body a masterpiece being captured by the young painter, Sahaj Mishra. The painter's eyes were transfixed on the prince's physique, the scent of smoke from Ishaan's cigar enveloping him. However, Sahaj's thoughts were not solely focused on the prince's physical beauty; a woman's presence lingered in the air, her actions a testament to Ishaan's desires. The prince demanded that Sahaj don't include her in the portrait, for he had the woman to lessen his boredom, as the reason. The young painter struggled to maintain his composure, his dick hardening as his leg twitched with excitement. Ishaan noticed Sahaj's flushed face and grinned mischievously, blowing a smoke ring before remarking, "You like what you see, little boy?" The question sent a jolt of surprise through Sahaj, who stammered, "N-not at all!" unable to conceal his ecstatic voice.

Ishaan's smirk deepened as he patted the woman, who had been sucking his dick, before giving her a deep kiss. Sahaj's eyes were glued to the erotic scene, his heart pounding in his chest. When the woman left the quarters, Ishaan stood up, and Sahaj was left confused, unsure why the prince was approaching him. "Y-your highness... The painting isn't done yet... Why—", Sahaj trailed off as Ishaan loomed over him, his hand on his chin as he scanned the painting with a grin.

Sahaj's heart raced as he took in Ishaan's beauty, his face flushed with excitement. He admired the prince's strong, thick neck, the scent of his perfume wafting up to him. As he looked up at Ishaan's face, he noticed the prince's gaze on him, his heart skipping a beat. Flustered, Sahaj took a step back, but Ishaan quickly closed the distance, his face inches from Sahaj's. "I noticed you've been looking at me with such ecstatic eyes, do you perhaps fancy me in any way, little boy?" he asked, his breath hot on Sahaj's neck. Ishaan took a deep sniff, his eyes lighting up. "Hmm, you smell like Lavender," he said, his voice low and husky. He leaned in, his lips brushing against Sahaj's neck, making the young painter jolt in surprise. "My favorite," Ishaan grinned, his eyes glinting with amusement.

As the curtains drew open, light poured into the room, abruptly ending Ishaan's slumber. Beside him, a young painter lay peacefully asleep. Teivel Aghard, who had opened the curtains without a second thought to the presence of the young artist, addressed Ishaan with his usual matter-of-fact tone. "Your Highness, you have an appointment today in the Council Chamber. Captain Lorvil is currently away on business, conversing with the king regarding the recent battle in Seluenna." He stooped to pick up the scattered clothes from the floor. Teivel had become Ishaan's guardian after his previous protector, Kavish, had died when Ishaan was eighteen. In the years that followed, Teivel had become Ishaan's closest attendant and confidant. Yet, despite their close relationship, Ishaan had never met Captain Lorvil.

As Teivel helped him dress, Ishaan paused, lost in thought, before finally speaking. "Teivel, you often mention Captain Lorvil, yet I've never seen him. He's always busy, away on business, or talking with the king. These past few years, I haven't even glimpsed a hair of him. Sometimes I wonder if he even exists."

Teivel hesitated before responding, his tone lowering. "Captain Lorvil is... a unique man. As the Captain and Commander of the Royal Knights, you both bear significant but distinct responsibilities. Captain Lorvil focuses on the needs of the King and Crown Princes, while you have your own duties. Prince Ishaan, you are a remarkable leader. You have led countless battles to victory without hesitation, just as Captain Lorvil has. Yet, the two of you are... different." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "In other words, your paths seldom cross because you handle different matters," he explained, walking towards the door. Turning back for a final glance at Ishaan, who still sat on his bed, he added, "I shall fetch the papers required for today's meeting. The servants are preparing your bath, which should be ready by the time you finish your breakfast." Teivel left the room, closing the door behind him. Ishaan stared thoughtfully at the door, the trace of Teivel's shadow lingering in his mind. The mysterious Captain of the Royal Knights remained an enigma to him, and Ishaan couldn't shake the feeling of curiosity and intrigue that surrounded the elusive figure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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