Chapter 4

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It's been a crazy couple of days with the whole preparing to go to work thing. I  graduated about 3 months ago and I'm now a qualified event planner. Yeah I know it's not all that but I love the career I chose and my new job pays quite well. Yes, I am starting a new job today and I am so excited I was starting to hate just sitting around in my apartment as if I didn't work my butt off for 4 years at uni.

I groan as I switch off my alarm, could someone tell me why those things are so annoying? If were rich I would have smashed my phone against the wall but unfortunately, this year's resolutions do not involve being phoneless. I badly wanted to snooze but I can't afford to be late on my first day I have to at least make a good impression for the first month or so then I can safely start snoozing.

It's currently six am and I have to be at work by half eight. So that gives me two hours to get ready and then thirty minutes to get to work. I quickly say my morning prayer before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. My shower involves bathing whilst singing, I mean that's the only time I get to feel like Beyoncé so why not?

After showering I brush my teeth and do my skincare routine then head back to my room to change. I'm not a makeup person so that's less preparation time for me. I wear my beige power suit with a polo neck since it's a bit cold. Imma wear my heels when I get to work cause I'm not going to experiment with driving with heels on. I tie my braids into a ponytail with a messy bun and add my hoop earrings. If I don't turn heads then the world's gone blind cause damn I look hot. The only thing that's left is my lunchbox, I had already packed my bag yesterday so that's sorted. I pack the rice and beef stir fry that I made yesterday with an apple and some orange juice.

I manage to leave the house on time not that I'm always late or anything but perfection takes time and some of us are single, how can I mingle whilst looking like I was fighting witches in the middle of the night?

It doesn't take me that much time to get to work coz it's still too early for rush hour . Trust me guys being early is the way to go. I show the guards my access card before going to the staff parking lot. As I look at the building the nerves start rushing in, I know I've been here before for my interview but I swear it didn't look this big the last time I was here. Anyway, I calmed myself down and headed in any way I couldn't be this early only to end up being late coz of nerves.

As soon I enter I just feel the welcoming atmosphere in the place. I thought I was early, turns out early for me is the normal time for everyone else.

"Good morning ma'am, I'm Amanda the receptionist here at SEASONAL EVENTS, How can I help you ?" She says with a bright smile which just adds to her beauty.

"Good morning Amanda, please call me  Ashleigh, ma'am makes me feel so old. It's actually my first day of work and I have no idea where I'm supposed to go this place looks even bigger and more confusing than the first time I was here " I respond with a matching smile.

"Trust me boo  I can relate on my first day I looked like a headless chicken. Can you just give me your full name so that I check which floor you are on ?" we laugh at her first statement before I say.

"Yeah sure umm it's Ashleigh Ndlovu. The Ashley is spelt A-s-h-l-e-i-g-h, not A-s-h-l-e-y. People tend to get confused and ask me if I'm sure as if I don't know my own name." She chuckles before saying

"Again I can relate I don't know how many times I've had to correct people who keep calling me Amandla instead of Amanda,  and I'm like excuse you it's my name it's the first thing I learnt to spell unless you are now me and I'm you of which I'm pretty sure the whole person switch thing only happens in movies."
We both laugh again

"I like you, you've got a great sense of humour" 

"Why thank you boo, I could say the same about you I think we are gonna be great friends. I will come get you during lunch we can sit together. And I've just found your office let me take you there before the boss accuses me of being a bad influence and making you late"

She leads me to the second floor which is the main planner's floor. She leads me to a medium-sized smallish but cosy office. It's right next to the CEO's office coz she's a planner herself.

"See you later Ash I'll tell Ms Jones that you have arrived" she says before rushing off. I start to admire the view which makes me fall in love with this place more. I'm still looking at the beach view when I hear a knock on the door. I tell the person to come in and a gorgeous lady walks in. She looks a bit like Tyla but even prettier she even looks like she was made by AI. She is wearing a body con dress which shows off her hourglass figure  perfectly . And she looks kind of familiar I just can't put my finger on it. "Good morning ms Ndlovu . I'm Daniella Jones the CEO and owner of this company . Please feel welcome we are all family here and I hope we work well together." She says with a wide smile. "Thank you ms Jones I feel honoured to be working with you ,your work is amazing " I reply and I'm not even joking this woman has planned celebrities' events so she's that good ."Thanks love anyway have a wonderful day I'm sure we'll see each other frequently if you need anything don't hesitate to ask I'm right next door."

And just like that she leaves and I start looking at my first client's file.

*Hey lovies I know this is still quite short and unedited but it's longer than the previous chapters and my goal is to make my chapters longer and upload more frequently but for now this is what I have . The next chapter is going to be way more interesting than this so see you then.❤️

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