The Waters

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Three days of being in Paraiso brought colors to my life, literally and figuratively. My new friends Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Indigo taught me a lot.

From them I learned that the other colors with no master are co-created by them and sometimes with the help of the Gods and Goddesses. I wrote them in a notebook given to me by Mahon the mahogany tree.

Yellow and Blue taught me how to cook and after just 2 trials I was able to perfect Burgundy Mix Pie.

Indigo, as he's in charge with the gardens, taught me about taking care of plants. I learned that they are given vitamins 3 times a day and that they need to hear 12 songs within 24 hours or else they'll be weak. They're respective masters visit them once a day to give them hugs and kisses.

Red, Orange and Green toured me around Paraiso where I met other different creatures. They are all respectful, friendly and very hardworking.

I still have a lot of questions so my friends brought me to Violet, who I'm excited to meet. They say Violet is not too busy today.

Orange wanted to stay with me but I told him to go with Green instead. He'll just pick me up after a couple of hours.

It turned out, Violet is a mermaid...or a sea nymph. I don't know which one is which so I'll let her tell me what she is.

"Good morning, My Queen. What took you so long before visiting me?" Violet has deep violet eyes. She,s wearing (yes, she's wearing something, unlike the mermaids I knew who wear a pair of seashells only) a tube-like violet tops that covers her entire upper body. Her hair, tail and scales are violet, of course.

"Sorry Violet, but Paraiso is a big kingdom and it took 3 days before I get acquainted with all the land and air I need to learn about cooking ang gardening and stuffs. Anyway I'm here now and I want to know all there is to know about water creatures like you. Are you a mermaid or a sea nymph or both?"

"My Queen, I'm a Waterraius. That's how they call water dwellers here. Didn't my friends tell you about that?" I shook my head.

"Does that mean you do not know what my friends are, Your Majesty."

"Well, I know Red is a fairy. Orange is a knight. Yellow and Green are...dames? I think Blue and Indigo are elves as they have pointed ears."

Violet laughed. It was an innocent laughter that I didn't get offended by it. In fact, I joined her laughing at my silliness.

"My Queen, I'm sorry about that...I just thought in 3 days they, at least have told you."

Violet swam up to the shore. When she reached it, a pair of legs sprouted from where her tail, she's not naked...she's now wearing a violet sundress. I was really shocked to have witnessed it.

"Are you okay My Queen? This is natural for me. Whenever I reached the shore, my tail is replaced by legs."

"Wow? I mean, wow!" And she didn't have to rub a shell into her tail to replace it with legs...or ask a villainous oddity to replace her tail with legs in exchange of her just swims to the shore and the transformation is complete...and with clothes on.

"As I've said My Queen, I'm a Waterraius. Red is not a fairy...she is an Airrux. Those with 2 wings belong to that group. Blue and Indigo are part of the Landoft clans - land dwellers with pointed ears. Yellow and Green are also land dwellers but they don't have ears, which I guess you didn't notice because their hair covered that part. They only have small holes in there. They are from the family of Landeria. Orange belongs to Landhall, a group of land dwellers that almost look human except for their webbed feet."

That was quite interesting.

"Water dwellers have only a single clan and that is Waterraius. Those that can fly have 2 clans: two-winged are members of Airrux, and the four-winged creatures belong to Airovv. The land dwellers have 4...the 3, I mentioned already...and the last one is the Landsokk - members of this clan are all the short-legged creatures." Violet continued.

"Any other clans?"

"That's all My Queen."

"Are there differences in principles? Do you have wars?"

"Differences, yes...because we are all different. But we respect and understand each other. Wars? No My Queen! Paraiso is a peaceful place. We exist and co-exist. Everything is perfect. Our Gods and Goddesses are doing their jobs in keeping harmony here in Paraiso."

"Speaking of Gods and Goddesses, I know only that they are in Rainbow Mountain...but what are they like?"

"Yes, they live at the peak of Rainbow Mountain. You can reach it by riding 4 birds: Gold Buzzard, Silver Falcon, White Hawk, and Black Eagle. The travel time is about 15 minutes from your palace My Queen. If you want, we can go there right now."

Am I ready to face them? Clearly not...I think I have to prepare myself before I meet them. They might read my thoughts and may find some offensive. I don't want to be punished and be sent to eternal damnation or worst be returned to where I came from. That last thought gave me a shiver.

"Tomorrow maybe, not now. I still haven't met all the Waterraius, Violet."

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