Chapter 2: Moiraine

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Moiraine couldn't believe her eyes when she saw her. She was so grown up. Her father's words resounded in her ears. Time is a thief.

Her hair, of the warmest brown, sat neatly over her shoulders, when she'd once had soft, chestnut blonde curls. Her eyes remained the deepest of blue, but with more wisdom to them. Her height surprised her the most; the last time she saw her she could barely reach her waist, whilst now she stood almost as tall as her. And of course, that ring on her finger. That cursed ring. She knew when she'd joined the Tower and she knew she'd joined the Yellow Ajah, Siuan always kept her informed on such matters, but she very much wished she hadn't. She had hoped she couldn't have been able to channel. That she was allowed a normal life, a complete foreigner to the Tower's demands. But the Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.

It took Moiraine a moment to get a hold of herself, and before she realised it, she'd made her way home, muttered some words, and suddenly she found herself tucking a strand of hair behind Guinevere's ear, her mind flooding with memories of that week, a week that she had so earnestly tried to erase from her memory, and yet could never fully escape it. I can never seen her again.


Moiraine knew she shouldn't, and yet, she couldn't help it. She'd been sent on business to Cairhien by the Amyrlin's orders and could stay at whatever inn she pleased, preferably while maintaining a low profile. But being in the city ignited something within her—a yearning, an ache that burned throughout her entire being. Before she could gather her thoughts, she found herself dragging Lan through the city's streets and passageways etched into her memory, towards the childhood home she'd promised herself never to return to, until she was ready. The Light knew she wasn't, but she couldn't fight the feeling, the yearning to see her.

"This isn't wise, Moiraine." Lan warned her. But he could feel everything she did, and he couldn't help but to sympathise with what her Aes Sedai was going trough, all of her emotions burning within him as well. He diligently followed the woman across the city, until they reached a big, wealthy house with an enormous door on its front. "Moiraine." He alerted her again, but she remained indifferent to it. Just one look at her. One look at her and I'm gone.

Moiraine walked the steps towards the door, hesitating for a second, before knocking on it. She could hear some mayhem taking place inside the house, little footsteps running towards their direction, and the voice of a man, gentle, yet commanding, yelling for someone, before there was silence. Seconds later, the door opened abruptly, revealing who was behind such chaos. A man, tall, advanced in years, with grey hair and a smile so wide and kind it translated into his eyes, was standing before them, holding a giggling toddler in his arms. The three year old girl had golden, chestnut curls pulled into two braids; eyes the colour of midnight sky, and a mischievous grin on her face that would easily let any parent know she was a handful. Moiraine felt herself melt at such sight.

"Moiraine!" The older man happily exclaimed, opening his eyes in surprise, hastily stepping aside to let the pair in. "It's been so long, four years if I'm not mistaken, what are you doing here?" He asked, shifting the toddler from one arm to the other, who had suddenly gone silent at the presence of the two strangers.

Moiraine knew she ought to answer, her brain knew as much, but she couldn't draw her gaze away from the little girl in the man's arms. She was so precious, every bit of endearing and magical as she had pictured her to be. She instantly felt compelled to take the toddler into her arms, and realised what a terrible mistake she'd made by returning. You fool! You most definitely aren't ready. You're endangering everything.

"We're on Tower's business," Lan rushed to explain, noticing Moiraine was too absent minded to do so herself, "and we thought we'd stop by. My name is Lan Mandragoran, I'm Moiraine's Warder." He said, extending a hand towards him, which the older man shook happily. "It's a pleasure meeting you, Lan. I'm Torvin, Anvaere's husband. " He introduced himself, with a big smile, as he tilted his face towards the little girl resting her head on his shoulder. "This is our daughter, Guinevere. Winnie, this is your aunt Moiraine, and his Warder, Lan. Aren't you going to say hi?"

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