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"I thought you wouldn't come."

The psychiatrist who spoke was a soft-looking woman who gave people a very relaxed and soothing feeling, especially with the soft music echoing in the room. At the same time, her eyes were full of comfort and comfort. Encouraging positive emotions, every move is obviously very professional.

But now, the eyes hidden behind the glasses were staring at the young man standing at the door.

About a year ago, she took over the patient in front of her.

As an expensive private psychiatrist, she has seen many strange clients so far in her career, but the young man in front of her who is too beautiful to look like a real person is still the weirdest type among them, and sometimes she listens to what he talks about... ...She even felt fear.

There are many patients with hysteria, but those who can describe impossible things in such a real, natural and terrifying way are extremely rare.

Thinking of this, her eyes fell on the computer, and the page stayed on the news with eye-catching titles.

"Photographer 'Midnight' left midway, is this another marketing fraud? ""

Breaking down the works of 'Midnight', is he really a human being? ! 》

There are malicious speculations about Ziye's appearance, and some insults. They think that his company is deliberately putting on airs, otherwise there would be no photographer who has no personal information for two years. Some people even suspect that Ziye does not exist at all. He must be A bluff launched by the company.

But the psychiatrist knew that the famous "Death" photographer Ziye was the pale young man in front of him.

"Isn't today your autograph session?" She tried to calm down.


The air seemed to become thinner, and she realized that she had made a mistake. He didn't like others asking him questions.

After a few seconds of silence, Yu Ziyu said calmly: "Because I encountered a troublesome thing, so I left."

He took off the scarf draped on his shoulders, took off his windbreaker, and gently placed it on On the back of the seat, and then, a thin figure fell into the armrest. It was one size larger than him, making the air around him feel particularly empty, bringing a cold chill to his face.

The delicate face looked too cold due to indifference. When his scrutinizing eyes fell on anyone, no matter who they were, they couldn't help but tremble.

The psychiatrist's intuition told her that the other party had always regarded her as a reliable friend, not a doctor, because he did not act like a patient at all, but more like chatting with an absolutely confidential friend. ——After all, they signed a confidentiality agreement before the treatment began.


Yu Ziyu glanced at her: "We can start now, doctor."

"Okay." Hearing this, she shrank subconsciously.

Young people give people a great sense of oppression, and people dare not question his words.

"Let's continue the topic from last time." Yu Ziyu leaned forward.

The topic was led away by him again, and the psychiatrist thought to himself that this is a man who is very controlling. If you want to gain his trust, it is best not to resist him.

So, she just nodded slightly and wisely chose not to speak.

"Continuing the topic from last time...it's related to them again," Yu Ziyu's eyebrows showed a trace of impatience, and he said coldly, "I said, I used to work in the horror game Hell Paradise, and there were six very annoying people. Colleagues, we have different divisions of labor. You can regard me as 'arrogant', and they are the remaining ones. "

Hell, seven deadly sins, arrogance."

The psychiatrist read these three words silently.

In any case, the word arrogance is quite appropriate, because this is the feeling Yu Ziyu gives people.

It's not that he just looks down on others, but he has a weird aura in his bones that is incompatible with the surrounding environment. If you put Yu Ziyu on a street with people coming and going, the first thing everyone will see is Him, because he really stands out.

"They are usually interested in killing people, solving puzzles, and torturing guilty players in the park. Anyway, these are boring things that I never bother to do." Yu Ziyu tapped her fingers on the table and frowned, " Until one day, I decided to resign, so I thought of a way to get out of there. " It was


Only then did I realize that they came out to look for me."

The monster hidden in the photo was the work of the "jealousy" layer.

Speaking of the layout of Hell Paradise, we must mention its game settings. Each level of the park will have a boss, and the dungeon settings of each level will unfold the story around a core vocabulary. For example, on the first level, all dungeons are exactly " envy".

Brothers kill siblings because of jealousy, friends kill friends because of jealousy, mothers kill children because of jealousy to steal the attention of their husbands... Its boss is also the product of tragedy under jealousy, so this word is used to refer to the first-level boss. There is no problem.

And his dependence and admiration for Yu Ziyu is even morbid to the point of jealousy of any creature that can talk to him. His presence, gaze and constant following make Yu Ziyu feel bored to death, but he is indeed the monster who knows him best. wrong.

So if all those monsters come out, it's not surprising that he can be the first to find Yu Ziyu's whereabouts.

But today Yu Ziyu destroyed the photo and took the initiative to block his whereabouts. Now they may have become headless flies again, but when he thought of this group of people looking for him and eager for him to return to them, he instantly felt My mood deteriorated.


"About six." Yu Ziyu said wistfully.

Listen, is this true? It seemed as if they were going to die without him.

"Why are they looking for you?"

"Probably because hell needs a leader, otherwise the game will lose its rules and fall into chaos." His voice was listless and he fell on the table.

Unfortunately, as the final boss of the previous seventh floor, Yu Ziyu is the leader of this group of monsters.

Because he is the most terrifying bloody legend in the entire game, this group of brainless heretics unanimously regard him as the King of Hell. They are very loyal to this game. What Yu Ziyu knows is that so far, only one player has passed the level. .

And the game fell into chaos, and the group of players who had not yet cleared the level should have returned to reality, which caused a little trouble for Yu Ziyu, but if they don't want to be regarded as crazy, it is best to take the secret to the grave, but based on the number of players Look, the performance of the mental hospital should rise a lot.

Psychologist: "You are meditating."

Hearing this, he raised his head and glanced at her. The psychiatrist actually saw a bit of scarlet in his dark eyes, but this inhuman color passed by in a flash, as if it was just It was just an illusion. Looking again, Yu Ziyu's eyes were bottomless, as if staring into an abyss, which seemed to be able to suck people's souls in.

"What are you looking at?" His voice was cold.

Hearing this, the psychiatrist hurriedly withdrew her gaze. Although she didn't know what she was afraid of, it was just an intuition without reason.


He stared at her.

"We'd better talk about some professional topics." After a moment, Yu Ziyu said.

This matter was easily revealed by him. The psychiatrist breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to look into his eyes anymore.

"So, does this bother you?"

"Nonsense." Yu Ziyu retracted his hand and put it into the pocket of his large windbreaker. He sat up straight with disgust on his face and sneered, "Who wants to go back? Amid the splattered blood and stumps everywhere, how could he be the so-called 'King of Hell' among a group of monsters? "

With no games, no novels, or even a sunny day, it was simply a life of a prisoner. He refused to associate with monsters, even if he Also one of them.

Let him go back? Don't even think about it.

"What are you going to do?" the psychiatrist asked, trying to sound calm.

Yu Ziyu said coldly: "If you don't bother me, I can pretend not to see it, but if... it goes too far, I will personally send them back."

He was not showing kindness, nor was he siding with humans. The most annoying thing is when someone makes a mess around them for no reason, even if they are his own kind.

It seemed that it was not an illusion. There was a hint of blood in his voice. This atmosphere made the air quiet for a while. Both of them felt speechless for a while. Yu Ziyu felt very satisfied, but the psychiatrist...she knew that she was just A listener.

"It was nice chatting with you."

After saying that, Yu Ziyu stood up from the chair and picked up the shawl and windbreaker again - he had already taken out the trash, and chatting with others would indeed reduce his anger.

He didn't look at the psychiatrist's expression at this moment, but opened the door, took a long step, and walked out in his own way.

At this time, she noticed a long, white shadow climbing along the wall, like a poisonous snake. It was some kind of pet or servant of the young man. It was obedient and used by him. , such a strange sight made her horrified.

She tried hard to look away, but she seemed to be sucked into a whirlpool. She felt dizzy for a moment, unable to resist the unknown magic power.


Yu Ziyu paused, and the door's opening arc paused.

He paused, turned around while holding on to the door frame, and said lazily to the psychiatrist: "Too much curiosity is sometimes not a good thing."

In Hell Paradise, there are many players with sensitive constitutions because they saw "incomprehensible things." ", the indescribable thing" directly went crazy, and Yu Ziyu's invisible body... I believe that even if humans get a glimpse of it, they will immediately go crazy.

It seems that the doctor in front of him has quite a lot of potential.

He looked at the psychiatrist with interest, as if he were seeing her for the first time. Although Yu Ziyu's tone was particularly cold, it was like a blow to the head, causing the psychiatrist to suddenly wake up from the chaos. Only then did she realize that she had been soaked all over her body without knowing it, and she was dripping with cold sweat, as if she had just entered some strange situation. , almost unable to escape.

If it wasn't Yu Ziyu...

She felt scared and a little confused, but what was that just now?

"Be careful, Doctor Chen." Yu Ziyu didn't even move an eyebrow, "If you think too much, you will become insane."

Hearing this, the psychiatrist was startled and murmured in disbelief: "My surname is not Chen. My surname is Li..."

They have maintained a doctor-patient relationship for more than a year, and Yu Ziyu doesn't even remember her last name? ? ?


After a moment, Yu Ziyu's voice was unapologetic and she said, "Okay, Dr. Zhang."

Dr. Li: "..."

[MTL, BL] After Retiring From Horror Game BossWhere stories live. Discover now