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"If I said I was not him, would you believe it?" Yu Ziyu.

After covering his face, Envy could only see his blurry figure, but he still recognized him at a glance.

Yu Ziyu changed his sitting position, lowered his folded legs, and crossed his fingers to support his chin. This action was like looking down at the people in the audience. He used this angle to look at the jealous faces - after all, they had already We haven't seen each other for two years.

In particular, the time conversion between the game and reality is different. The time in the game is obviously much longer than two years.

Even on the monster, time has stopped leaving its effect, and jealousy looks a little different than in memory... more aggressive. Before, he would never have dared to look at him like this.

Under his gaze, Jealousy smiled shyly, his pale cheeks stained with a thin red, and he looked as if he was shy. No one knew how excited and happy he was in his heart, and his voice was as low as Like mosquitoes.

"...No, the master is the master."

He lowered his head slightly and exposed his neck. This was an act of surrender, but he wanted to watch Yu Ziyu all the time, so his eyes were glanced upward. From Yu Ziyu's point of view, Jealousy's gray-white eyes are so big and adorable.

Hearing the title "Master" again, the corner of Yu Ziyu's mouth twitched.

"I'm very happy to see you."

Yu Ziyu leaned back on the back of the chair, looked around the room, tapped her fingers on the armrests of the chair, and said wistfully: "Oh, really. But I think Not happy."

Jealousy turned a deaf ear to this and just stared at Yu Ziyu with fascination. His possessiveness, which was contrary to his humble actions, made Yu Ziyu feel unhappy. The eyes of the long-dead boy greedily licked his whole body like tongues of fire, even a little bit. Not letting go of the corners of his clothes until it stopped at his slender fingertips.

There is a mark that was scratched there at an unknown time. Yu Ziyu's skin color is already fair, so any bruises and scars are extremely exposed, and due to his physical condition, it is easy to leave traces on his body with a little force. trace.

Yu Ziyu followed his gaze and looked at the finger. She was a little surprised as she didn't know where she bumped into it.

"Are you injured?" Jealousy's handsome face was slightly distorted with anger, "Who dares to do this?"

After the words fell, his eyes wandered around the room, and he was caught by those gray eyes. All the humans felt a biting chill pouring down from the top of their heads, as if their whole bodies had been immersed in cold water. They almost suffocated to death just by looking at them like this.

Especially when jealousy's fingers were still bleeding, he was holding a heart that had stopped beating in his hand. When he saw Yu Ziyu's bruises, he couldn't help but close his fingers and insert his slender fingers into the organs. , making a heart-wrenching "gurgling" sound.

"Who is it?"

Envy was pacing in place, his eyes as dark as poisonous snakes, burning with the extreme emotion of hatred: "Who dares to touch you?"

His voice was tainted with a hint of anxiety and dissatisfaction, and the soles of his shoes were unbearable on the floor. Grinding on the ground, then, his movements suddenly stopped, as if he thought of something, he immediately threw away the heart in his hand, and walked towards the panicked crowd at the door. Xiao Chen could hardly stand up in fear, and stood on the door panel. He shrank back weakly and slipped to the ground.

"No, don't come here...!"

Someone held his head and screamed: "Monster!"

Hearing this, the person in Envy's arms burst into laughter, and the thin slits of his pale lips opened and closed, and he let out the first words of coming here. A sarcastic remark: "Monsters...? Didn't you summon us here? Shouldn't you be honored by our arrival?"

"I don't like people saying that about us." Jealousy murmured, "I don't like it very much. Someone said that."

A black light flashed across his gray eyes, like dark clouds passing over the pale sky.

"Stand there."

A commanding voice suddenly broke the terrifying atmosphere at the moment. Although the volume was not loud, it shocked everyone's hearts and involuntarily obeyed his request. It was Yu Ziyu who sat upright.

Of course, he took away everyone's attention originally placed on Envy. There is no doubt that he will always be the center of the line of sight. When he speaks, everyone will subconsciously look at him, as if a beam of light is pulling their attention. .

Even Jealousy turned her head and stared at his face with fascination.


Yu Ziyu said coldly: "If you dare to move a step without permission, you will never see me again."

Hearing this, a trace of panic appeared on his jealous face. He glanced at Yu Ziyu and then at the shrinking group. The human beings together seemed to be struggling fiercely in their hearts. The fingers hanging by their sides tightened and relaxed... Even though he wanted to punish the person who offended him, he chose to remain motionless in the end, as still as a portrait. land. Yu Ziyu's words were too lethal to him, and even more unacceptable than annihilating him.

He can't find the meaning of existence, and Yu Ziyu is the light and passion of all his life. He is jealous of everything around him, which brings him the joy of survival. If he can't see each other, his existence will be lost. value.

"Listen to me, Jealousy." Yu Ziyu relaxed his body and said, "It's time for you to leave."

Hearing this, Jealousy was startled: "But, I found this place because of you..."

"No need." Yu Ziyu interrupted him.

He even lowered his head and straightened the black robe on his body, as if he didn't care about the jealous words at all.

"You don't need me, Master." Envy said eagerly, fearing that Yu Ziyu would expel him immediately if he was any slower, "But I just need to stay by your side. I am a dead ghost, no." Will bring you any trouble."

Jealousy, who was fearful and unable to look directly at him either in the game or outside the game, was almost humbly praying for Yu Ziyu's mercy. Xiao Chen was horrified to find his shadow growing on the ground. , separated, and finally became two, which meant that the first-level boss in front of him was also an unpredictable existence.

Their shadows are so mysterious that it is impossible to imagine what the souls living under that skin look like.

"But you've already disturbed me." Yu Ziyu glanced at Gu Leyu's body and wrinkled his nose in disgust, "You don't know what impact your appearance will have?"

It's like the arrival of someone of their level. , will cause magnetic field riots at least ten kilometers around.

There is a saying that ghosts are actually products of magnetic fields, which is why tape recorders occasionally record the fragmented wails of the dead, cameras can capture twitching and blurry ghosts, souls can shuttle between electronic devices, etc. This mere guess is not far from the correct answer.

That's why Yu Ziyu is a famous photographer at home and abroad. He is not a human being. He has a mysterious sense of these things under the manipulation of the camera, so he can shoot shocking works.

According to the character of the originally murdered girl, she would not have become a bloody piece of flesh - after all, to become a monster requires great resentment, hatred and strong desire, but that girl faced sexual harassment and rape. Even the traitors dare not resist. It is impossible for them to evolve into what they are now after death.

"You must have appeared in that place before." Yu Ziyu changed to a comfortable sitting position, rubbed her fingers, and said: "When you went to find the boy, you disturbed the magnetic field, causing her body to mutate."

His eyes fell on Gu Leyu. Unexpectedly, she was quite smart. No wonder she would mark the boy first, just because he would dispose of the body when the time came, right? In this way, jealousy can be lured away, causing the enemy to become a monster, and her purpose will be achieved.

Jealousy lowered his head: "..."

The head in his arms said: "I'm sorry, Master."

"To be honest, I don't need to apologize. I just want you to stay as far away from me as possible," Yu Ziyu spread her hands and frowned, "I don't want to hold another freak show, and don't think of me as the so-called king."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Chen and others immediately felt that the atmosphere in the room had become colder.

Frost mist of ice began to spread from the corner of the wall. They quickly climbed up and covered everything in the room with thin ice. Their teeth began to chatter, and even hugging their arms could not alleviate the coldness.

At the same time, the candles lit in the room seemed to have been blown by the wind. The candlelight swayed and danced mistily in the air, like a withered flower, rapidly shrinking and dimming. The scope of the light was constantly shrinking. Gradually, The scenery in front of me can no longer be seen clearly.

Something was spreading in the room, and the jealous figure was trembling.

Realizing that his vagina was driven away, his eyes widened with jealousy. He stepped forward suddenly and tried to grab Yu Ziyu's sleeve. The last trace of blood on his pale cheeks disappeared: "Don't drive me out of here, Master. ! "

He doesn't want to leave here. He finally found him. Yu Ziyu won't give him a second chance. He doesn't know when the next time they meet is jealous. He will go crazy. He means, he will definitely do it. Crazy, he would wander the streets, seize any human who might know his whereabouts, and question them about everything about his master.

Jealousy turned almost the entire eyeball into pure black, dark and gloomy, paranoid to the point of almost madness.

His shadow climbed up from the wall and seemed to stand into a huge human figure, covering the entire room. The projection seemed to want to touch Yu Ziyu, but the part one meter away was hit by unknown lightning and melted out. A hole was opened, and it screamed and retreated as if it was being burned, not daring to make any more mistakes.

"You'd better be good." Yu Ziyu held her cheek with her hands, as if she had completely seen what he was thinking, and said coldly, "Or hide it better and don't let me know that you did it." It

seemed that he was attracted by the two of them . Affected by the force of time, the piece of meat twitched violently due to pain and hid in the box. Yu Ziyu helped her close the button.

Witnessing this move, he looked at the piece of meat with jealousy: "I don't understand, I don't understand..."

Why should something as inferior as this deserve Yu Ziyu's attention?

"I'm still jealous at this time." Yu Ziyu said "tsk", "Since you can't understand, don't think about it."

Hearing such words, the handsome face of jealousy was slightly distorted, which made his delicate facial features suddenly become like As rough as a beast, his thin chest rose and fell violently. He took a deep breath: "But, I like you so much..."

The expression on his face was uncertain, as if he was having a fierce ideological struggle. Suddenly, he turned towards Yu Ziyu Stretched out his hand.

"Come with me, please." Jealousy used a begging tone.

Just as he finished speaking, something unexpected happened. He only heard a "bang" sound, and the door that was originally closed was suddenly knocked open. A figure rushed directly to Yu Ziyu opposite him, and threw him to the ground with fierce movements. , dodged the jealous fingers that teleported closer and tried to pull him, and at the same time, this guy who appeared out of nowhere fought back.

Yu Ziyu only heard a scream of pain from jealousy, staggered, took a few steps back, and distanced herself from the two of them.

"Plop" -

an instability, they fell out of the chair together, and rolled down the steps again.

Things happened so fast that Yu Ziyu only had time to erase the memories of those people and had no time to pay attention to the posture in which he was being protected. Fortunately, when he fell, the other person still remembered to use his own hands to help him. He protected the back of his head, but he let out a groan of pain.

Yu Ziyu's hood fell off and slid down the back of his head, scattering along with his messy hair. He frowned dissatisfied and stared at the young man who enveloped him with his figure.

"It's actually you." Jealousy covered one eye and said with a distorted face. He recognized the person.

Not everyone will be remembered by the boss. The person in front of him must have left a very deep impression on him.

"Long time no see," the person who knocked down Yu Ziyu raised his body, turned around and said coldly, "Old acquaintance."

Green blood seeped out between the fingers of Envy, who covered her eyes, and stared at the other person's arms around Yu Ziyu's shoulders. hand, without saying a word, and finally, with a slight crackling sound, the jealous figure finally could not resist the expulsion and disappeared into the room unwillingly.


Yu Ziyu looked at the young man with his arms supported on both sides of his neck, directly above his body. When the other person confirmed that jealousy had left and lowered his head to look at him, Yu Ziyu was extremely surprised for a moment.

He seemed a little surprised, and even opened his eyes slightly, and this subtle reaction was caught in Lou Chen's eyes.

Why does it feel like... he seems to know him?

There was no time to think about it, only a scream was heard, Lou Chen quickly got up from him, Yu Ziyu continued to lie on the floor, turned his head and looked over, and happened to witness Xiao Chen slipping to the ground without hesitation.

In front of them stood a figure with a big hole in her chest. When she turned around blankly, the atmosphere in the room condensed. Everyone could hardly believe their eyes, because the murderer was actually Gu who had just died. Le Yu, she no longer has human consciousness, her face is pale and distorted, and only her instinct for blood is left.

——Because of the existence of jealousy, the mutated magnetic field caused her to be infected.

"I won't let anything happen to you." Lou Chen promised.

Yu Ziyu made a "tsk" sound and turned his head back. He lay on the ground and didn't get up. He just stared at the dark ceiling and stared blankly. Since someone wanted to be a hero, he had no reason to refuse. It wasn't him who was rushing to do things. aesthetics.

But why does this nosy human being look a little familiar?

[MTL, BL] After Retiring From Horror Game BossWhere stories live. Discover now