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"I didn't notice who it was."

After Zhang Yining left, a lazy voice came from Yu Ziyu's pocket. It slowly poked out the triangular snake head and looked at its owner sitting on the sofa and flipping through his hands. of that paper document.

Anyone who sees this scene would be surprised to see a thoughtful expression on a snake's face.

"Gluttony is too difficult to deal with." So much so that the corridor was left in a mess, which surprised Lou Chen when he woke up. Laziness had tried to narrow the area as much as possible, but the damage caused still caused half of the corridor to collapse.

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu curled up his fingers and tapped its head with his protruding knuckles.

"Don't talk." It was a warning.

The poisonous snake stuck out its forked tongue angrily and retracted it again. It almost forgot the condition of Yu Ziyu's agreement to stay with it - that is, to act as a qualified pet. His attitude towards animals is much friendlier than that of human beings. .

Since Lazy was confident in his favor with Yu Ziyu, he did not give up directly because of the other party's cold words.

So, it tentatively pushed against Yu Ziyu's waist in the pocket of the windbreaker, expressing its confusion with its movements. After a while, Yu Ziyu impatiently pinched it about seven inches with two fingers through the pocket of the windbreaker, and then it was settled. Divide it.

"First of all, it's impossible that I didn't feel someone filming me." Yu Ziyu said as he tore off a corner of a page of the document, crumpled it into a ball and stuffed it into his other pocket, and paused, " This only shows that the other party is not a human being. "

It is impossible for him not to notice that he was being secretly photographed. It can be said that even if Yu Ziyu is blindfolded, he can feel every move around him, unless there is something that is not human fishing in troubled waters - —And the level cannot be too low.

Of course, its true form cannot have come to the scene, so there must be someone among the employees of the supernatural management department who is mentally controlled by it. They are just a medium, so even if Yu Ziyu finds out who it is, she has no interest in settling accounts with him.

The flesh and blood shed by Gluttony when he was injured by Sloth is stained in the elevators and corridors, and as long as there is any abnormality on the body, it will be involuntarily attracted to it. If you want to be further alienated by a higher existence, it is simply a way to identify who is a traitor. weapon.

As for the answer...

it was the employee who walked towards the elevator with a dazed look on his face, and was knocked unconscious by Yu Ziyu before he touched him.

Since there was only one person in the room who behaved strangely, it was obvious who did it. There was no need to guess, but which colleague he represented behind him. Yu Ziyu had no definite idea for the time being. After all, the guy who ran away like him There are simply too many.

And Yu Ziyu is not in a hurry. He can just ask in person the day after tomorrow who he is.

If he had sent out an invitation in an arrogant manner, I believe that no boss would have the guts to let him go. When they see the signal, no matter what they are busy with, they will definitely put down what they are doing and come to the appointment on time.

Even if he had evil intentions, he would never dare to show indifference or dissatisfaction in front of Yu Ziyu, so he did not disclose this matter to the monsters at all. After all, he did not need to consider whether they had schedules for the day.

There is no need to be considerate, after all, in the hell paradise that he dominates, there has always been no room for bargaining.

"Give me an interview tomorrow." Yu Ziyu raised her chin and said, "I left the file on the table."

He had already torn up the questions he didn't want to answer, although Zhang Yining said "with "Power" magazine The chief editor over there negotiated and revised it," but Yu Ziyu was too lazy to engage in a tug-of-war with them, and directly deleting it was his style.

The snake hissed, as if expressing protest and confusion.

"You become like me, and I know what you are capable of." Just as simple as changing from human form to the shape of a snake, and being able to shape a human skeleton from the snake, imitating anyone has never been a problem for laziness. Difficult things.

Yu Ziyu put his hand into the pocket of his windbreaker, picked up the slender little snake with his fingers, threw it on the coffee table, and said with a twinkle in his eyes: "Just treat it as practice, I will need you to continue to play me the day after tomorrow, after all I can't appear in two places at the same time."

Since he has decided to appear as "arrogant", the savior should not disappear. If necessary, he hopes that Lazy can use his appearance to be in the same room with him. , this can completely dispel the doubts of that group of people.

Lazy hissed a few times and twisted on the coffee table, as if he wanted to say something.

Yu Ziyu poked it with his finger and said willfully: "Speak like a human being."

Lazy: "..."

"They will see through my breath. In this matter, they are as sensitive as a dog's nose."

Yu Ziyu looked at it It glanced at it and said without hesitation: "They will all know that laziness is a traitor. Since we are together, it is normal for the savior to have the aura of laziness in his body."

"No matter what, he has always been your traitor." There was no fluctuation in Lazy's tone, as if he had tried his best not to show helplessness and laziness, "So, this is the real reason why you let Gluttony go?"

Yu Ziyu's power is far superior to them, and Gluttony has been injured. Under the circumstances, it was absolutely impossible for him to leave the corridor of the supernatural management department alive. What's more, his lazy peripheral vision noticed that when Gluttony left, Yu Ziyu leaned against the wall with her arms folded, looking at the two of them, not even taking a step. Not moved.

Of course, uninformed people would think that he was frightened by the two boss-level entanglements, but Lazy knew very well that Yu Ziyu just did not intervene and just watched from the sidelines. Although Lazy was not surprised that he let Gluttony go, he wanted to Doesn't make sense.

It wasn't until now that he realized that Gluttony's departure really made sense.

"Not willing?" Yu Ziyu asked.

This question is actually meaningless.

It sighed, twisted its body accommodatingly, wrapped around Yu Ziyu's fingers as much as possible, and then reluctantly crawled onto the other person's arm inch by inch: "Of course it's impossible, I will do whatever you ask me to do. "

After all, Lazy has never refused any of Yu Ziyu's requests.

"It will be fun then." Yu Ziyu smiled, pulled Lazy off his arm again, and let it slide to the floor, saying in a nonchalant tone.

Due to his love of pranks and his bad habit of playing tricks on others, although he was dissatisfied with this being part of the system's mission, the entertainment brought by the former briefly overwhelmed the latter.

The faces of other bosses with different expressions, Lou Chen's gaze as if facing a formidable enemy... Oh, there may be some public opinions fermenting on the Internet. After all, Yu Ziyu has not known how the players are doing since that night, so all this It becomes extremely meaningful.

Lazy stood up and nodded eagerly.

Yu Ziyu suddenly remembered something, and narrowed his eyes suspiciously, looking at Lazy who was rarely free from his lazy attitude and looking particularly excited, and added: "But, you can't tease Lou Chen - with my identity."

Hearing this, Lazy He lay down in disappointment and was lightly kicked by Yu Ziyu with his boots as punishment.

"I have a script." He said, indicating that Lazy was listening carefully, "I will only say it once."


Lazy propped up his body, his vertical pupils locked tightly on the figure of the person in front of him, knowing that he was not joking.

"I will bring 'me' and Lou Chen to the party center. I know people from the supernatural management department will intervene, so it is not difficult," Yu Ziyu played with the torn piece of paper with her fingers, her eyes flashing. With a light of interest, "Tie him up. And then deliver an exciting speech in front of all the guests..."


He got up from the ground with a pale face, his body stumbled in the corridor, his hair was tangled in his hands. His hands were pulled in a mess, and then he bumped into the person who was walking towards him and was talking, causing a cry of surprise.

"Wang Chen, are you okay?"

Hearing this, he looked up and found that it was the deputy captain He Yu who was supporting him. At the same time, he was looking at him worriedly, while He Yu's partner Xu He stood upright. Beside him, he looked at him with a hidden gaze, and his slightly long hair made his expression slightly gloomy.

"It's okay, deputy team leader." Wang Chen's lips trembled, the corners of his mouth squeezed, and he forced a smile to avoid scrutiny, "I still feel a little dizzy and not very comfortable. I'm about to go to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. "

...Oh." He Yu showed an understanding expression and said, "Is it because the back of your head was injured just now? Go ahead and be careful. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can ask me for leave." Go explain to Captain Lou Chen."

Just when he was cleaning the elevator, Wang Chen suddenly approached the flesh and blood left by gluttony with a dazed look on his face. He Yu was startled and had no time to stop him, if Yu Ziyu hadn't told Wang Chen to stay away. , it is very likely that he has already encountered it.

Under cross-examination, Wang Chen gave an explanation: He went on a mission some time ago, so he still had the aura of a monster on his body, so he was so easily bewitched. Others also confirmed his statement, and he was indeed not around during this time. state.

Considering that he was a new employee who had just joined the company, it was normal for him to lack experience, so everyone did not blame him too much. They just asked him to be careful next time and not make this mistake again.

When he heard Lou Chen's name, Wang Chen's face became even worse. Now he could be described as pale.

"Don't tell the captain, the captain won't like it."

He even sounded a little scared, but strangely, this fear was completely unreasonable, as if he was not afraid of Lou Chen.

He Yu smiled, intending to liven up the atmosphere, and said narrowly: "Are you worried that you showed yourself to be a fan of Teacher Yu before and fought for the blanket, so that the captain would catch you? Don't worry, the captain is not that stingy."

" I really like Teacher Yu," Wang Chen said stiffly.

Speaking of this, He Yu looked at Xu He and snickered: "You were not here a few days ago. I will explain to you later, Teacher Yu, that he is indeed the savior. Just now, you didn't see the look in the captain's eyes... ..."

Xu He just raised his chin forward and interrupted his words with expressionless body language.

He Yu was stunned for a moment and turned to the front. Then, he realized that Wang Chen was still holding on to the corridor wall and staring at them, as if he had no intention of avoiding this conversation. He said slightly surprised: "You can go, no need." Aren't you feeling comfortable staying here?"

Wang Chen nodded and tried to squeeze past He Yu.

Suddenly, Xu He grabbed his arm, forcing him to stop. His eyes wandered over him. It wasn't until He Yudu cast a doubtful look on his side that he slowly let go of the hold. He held his hand and said calmly: "It's okay, you can go."

Wang Chen regained his freedom. He stood up as straight as possible and left. He could notice two eyes watching him behind him.

However, once he walked slowly through the corridor and around the corner of the blind spot, he ran quickly and almost ran into the bathroom. He fell helplessly in front of the sink and lay on the porcelain white handrail. He held his throat and retched vigorously.

But nothing was spit out.

After a moment, Wang Chen put his hands on the sink, raised his head, and stared at his haggard and pale self in the mirror. Resentment and anger were revealed in his eyes. He kicked hard at the water pipe under the sink. It burst with a pop and immediately splashed out cold water, pouring on his calf.

The bathroom was silent.

However, Wang Chen seemed to hear some voices in the air. He paused, walked to the bathroom stalls, and opened them one by one. After confirming that no one was there, he walked to the door and locked it, and then returned to the bathroom stalls. In front of the sink.

"I did what you asked and put Teacher Yu's photo on the Internet." He immediately said in fear, almost crying, "But Lou Chen and Captain Lou Chen must have discovered something is wrong with me, and Xu Crane, the man in the corridor just now..."


"No, I didn't. I told you everything..." Wang Chen begged for mercy, "I don't dare to have any extraordinary thoughts about him. I know, I know he is yours, but Captain Lou Chen, he asked me to wait. See him..."

The defensive voice stopped abruptly.

He was so frightened that his body was shaking, and someone in the air seemed to be speaking to him.

But then, suddenly, all his fears suddenly disappeared. He touched the mirror with his fingers. Inside was a handsome young man, his own reflection, but he seemed to see something irresistible. Stare into the mirror.

It was obviously the same face as his, but it was a million times more perfect than his. Every part of its skin, eyes, and facial contours were extremely beautiful and full of irresistible sexual temptation.

"...It's so unbelievable." His voice trembled, he took a deep breath, his eyes darkened with desire, and he couldn't help but moan erotically and wetly, "How could you be here? Such an existence..."

The bathroom was empty, only his voice echoed strangely.

He looked at the mirror obsessively until he couldn't control himself. His body tilted closer and closer to the mirror. When he was almost touching the mirror, something unexpected happened - an arm stretched out from the mirror and pulled him directly. Into the mirror!

Without even uttering a scream, he disappeared into the mirror and was completely swallowed up.

After a while.

There was a sound of flushing water, and the bathroom door opened.

Wang Chen straightened his hair and walked out casually. He took out the mobile phone in his pocket, photographed his face with the camera from several angles, paused, and clicked his tongue impatiently and disgustedly.

"We are going to meet suddenly." It said, pouting, but its eyes were shining with intoxication, "It's so... so willful."

The author has something to say: The expected meeting: Kissing and hot

fish The planned meeting: Violence beat

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